Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

"To me sun adapted plants get fed past full and have to make adaptations to limit or protect from being over amped. (literally)
Does this make more bio mass, yes. do these plants transpire more, yes.
Do sun adapted plants make bigger and better flowers??????

I know one thing, electricity is not cheap and shade adapted is the only way to go.

Some more things to consider ...

-Sun Adapted plants ,get taller.
Increasing Blue leds/light flux (BL ) ,might be inhibiting vertical Growth at this case.
But it might also have ,a negative effect in PS rates (as more internal heat is produced ,also..) or flolar development...
It might...

-More grow surface with Shade Adapted plants and low light fluxes,
might yield more than less surface with Sun Adapted plants and high light fluxes...

With shade Adaptance what you " gain " in total power savings ,you loose in total grow area needed..
i.e. With an actinic combo panel of 400 Watts ( approx 650-750 umol/sec ) in one square meter grow area ,say you get 480 gr dry flower mass of an obviously sun adapted plant.
(500 umol/sec/m^2 =>43.2 mole/day/m^2- up to 1500 umol/sec/m^2 =>130 mole/day/m^2-...)
The purpose of these guidelines is to help writers of specifications, engineers, and architects, who have to make recommendations for the installation of lighting in growth chambers. It is not the intent of these guidelines to mandate the lighting a researcher may need for specific projects, but rather guidelines that indicate reasonable lighting that can grow acceptable crops any time of the year.


A daily average irradiance of 26 mol m-2 day-1 will effectively grow most species of higher plants. This equates to an instantaneous irradiance of 300 μmol m-2 s-1 for 24 hours or 600 μmol m-2 s-1 for 12 hours.
For comparison in the continental United States, the average annual daily irradiance is about 26 mol m-2 for Madison, WI and Washing
ton, DC.
In the summer the maximum daily irradiance is 62 mol m-2 at Phoenix, AZ and in the winter the minimum irradiance is 8 mol m-2 at Madison, WI (see Table 1). The maximum solar irradiance around midday of 2000 μmol m-2 s-1 is transient and is not necessary for normal plant growth since the plants response is based on the average daily irradiance.


Less than ± 10% variation on a horizontal plane over the growing area at the plant canopy height. The variation should be based on measurements taken in the center of each square meter of the plant growing area. Guidelines/Guidelines text.htm
....With a white/red combo of 100W you get 150 gr dry flower mass pr sq.meter...
(less power* =>better PS efficiency........*to a certain point though=>min total PPD: 200 umol/sec/m^2 .Max 400-500 umol/sec/m^2 )
4 x 100W = 600 gr...But four square meters needed...

-At Sun Adapted plants ,during flowering ,irradiation should be kept at high levels...

Due to their high reproductive effort ,they will ,this way ,allocate to flower production,a large fraction of daily PS yields...
One should expect flowering occuring only on tops (*thus SOG/Scrog will probably increase flowering yields ) ,with maybe some "photo-bleaching ", also occuring..
(High light power fluxes & Light Saturation,photoinhibition,photorespiration )

While at ...

-Shade Adapted plants ,during flowering ,irradiation should be decreased
(at certain " point " during late flowering ) ..
Due to their low reproductive effort ,if irradiation will be kept at initial power levels ,plants will allocate to flower production ,
a small fraction of ,already low/moderate-per leaf - ,daily PS yields.
But Shade Adapted plants ,do have a lot of energy/nutrients ,stored at their leaves.
Decreasing irradiance ,at late flowering ,increases reproductive effort,thus plants translocate stored energy/nutrients,from leaves to flower production.

As the seasons change, solar radiation incident on the earth can fluctuate dramatically at extreme latitudes or very little at the equator.

(Based on Gates 1962)


Seasonal daylength at various latitudes. Values at other latitudes fit between those shown.

(Based on Salisbury and Ross 1983)

And last ,but not least...

-Shade Adapted plants have small stature...

...( Grow room /tent /cabinet/box /pcbox " adapted"....)

Well ,that's what I can think of ,right now...
I agree with you, but I think Sun Adapted plant seeds will need a few generations to adjust in order to reset their new (Shade Adapted) genetic code. Meaning ultimate results may not be optimal for a few generations, after which, their seeds/clones should be good to go.

This is not unlike buying exotic seeds that were grown under some other light source than the purchaser will use. And if that grower switches to Shade Adapted leds, he/she probably needs to start over.
I agree with you, but I think Sun Adapted plant seeds will need a few generations to adjust in order to reset their new (Shade Adapted) genetic code. Meaning ultimate results may not be optimal for a few generations, after which, their seeds/clones should be good to go.

This is not unlike buying exotic seeds that were grown under some other light source than the purchaser will use. And if that grower switches to Shade Adapted leds, he/she probably needs to start over.

Well,my brother ,there's a lot of truth in that ,IF we accept the "Indica " / "Sativa " species 'thing'....
Yes ,then it's genetically "default " a certain level range of "shade-sun tolerance " ,regarding both species...
It will take some generations for this "default" range of "tolerance" to alter (adapt to new light )....


Personally I'm having ,more & more ,doubts -as I keep searchin' - about the
"Indica " / "Sativa " species thing...

-There's a lot of random , natural occuring, pollination out there...
So ,even if they were two different species-but with interexchangeable genomes -by now it would be quite rare to have a species "purebreed"...
( i.e. 100 % Sativa or 100% Indica )...Maybe it only occurs with really isolated populations of either "species"...If they are different species..

-While, they are more often ,the dramatic physiological alterations(adaptations ) ,which occur in same plant species
(strain,cultivar=Cultivated Variation ,ect ),when grown outdoors and when grown in CE ,under different types of electric light....

-I can accept as total different species from "Indicas-Sativas ":
- Ruderalis (not photoperiodic flowering-no matter the environment ) and
- Hemp(non-psychoactive substances there..)


What is left to be done,is to grow a highly "Sativa" dominant plant,under Shade Adaptive led environment....
If it grows ,short ,with large & many leaves and produce thick squatty colas,then the hypothesis
regarding -the pretty old & maybe outdated - mj classification ,will be even less " solid "...

I really do love and 'worship' that plant...
It has been teachin' me so much,about so
many,for so long ...
Tiny update:
2nd day of second transition week . ( 12.45' / 11.15 ' )
Two more panels added. That would be eight panels ,totally...
190 Watts at plug.

..lstr  9 1.jpglstr 9 2.jpglstr 9 3.jpg
LED Tent

I pulled the 50w Basking bulb as temps were too warm for flowering

HOT5 Tent

Based on recent SDS input, this morning I removed 2 bulbs from my HOT5 tent (now 6 @ 54 w) + I replaced a UVL actinic 660 with a UVL Red Sun/Life (635 peak). I now have 3 of these + one Coral Wave + 2 UVL Aquasuns
(too much green- aha!). Comparing the graphs, I replaced Aquasun with another Wave Point Florasun.

New configuration

1. ZooMed Flora Sun
UVL Red Sun/Life
3 UVL Red Sun/Life
4 Wave Point Coral Wave
5 UVL Red Sun
6. Zoomed Flora Sun

total 324w over a 2 X 4 area

It will be interesting to see how the 3 plants respond




Wave Point Coral Wave


ZooMed Florasun

Looking crazy in your tent SDS!!/ all those panels "hoovering" above the tops like bees:P........wondering why your scrogging them in an offset pattern, instead of straight ??
your girl seem very healthy.....did you quit tobacco:)
Looking crazy in your tent SDS!!/ all those panels "hoovering" above the tops like bees:P........wondering why your scrogging them in an offset pattern, instead of straight ??
your girl seem very healthy.....did you quit tobacco:)

Thanks brother...
No ,I didn't quit tobacco....
With Sativa leaning plants over about 6 runs, they did not adapt much or as much as I would have liked.
Though this was a limited test with one main mommie,
I would say that there is a median or center for a given strain and to change that median may take quite a while at least with the strain that I was growing.
3 weeks veg. Jock Horror auto. light 20/4. for the first 3 weeks was under 1 veg panel.(24 watt). for the next 3 weeks i will keep it with 3 panels and for the last 4-5 i will place another one.



cotton candy and Green love potion.same age. also with only one panel till now... for the rest of their veg cycle (4th to 6th week) i will use 3 panels max. 3x24 watt.




...Well,my brother ,there's a lot of truth in that ,IF we accept the "Indica " / "Sativa " species 'thing'....
Personally I'm having ,more & more ,doubts -as I keep searchin' - about the "Indica " / "Sativa " species thing...

-There's a lot of random , natural occuring, pollination out there...
So ,even if they were two different species-but with interexchangeable genomes -by now it would be quite rare to have a species "purebreed"...
( i.e. 100 % Sativa or 100% Indica )...Maybe it only occurs with really isolated populations of either "species"...If they are different species..

-I can accept as total different species from "Indicas-Sativas ":
- Ruderalis (not photoperiodic flowering-no matter the environment ) and
- Hemp(non-psychoactive substances there..)

Are you saying that there are 3 types of cannabis: Indica/Sativa, Ruderalis, and Hemp?

That is in direct contradiction to RNA sequencing and the genome research done. There has been many people wanting to take Ruderalis away and make it sativa only, but I have never heard of anyone calling Hemp anything other than a Sativa. Indica has been noted as it's own species for decades and has proven to be genetically different.

Read the following for RAPD and DNA test that prove they are 2 different species:

And here is a list of Dr. Mahlberg's work. (nearly all on cannabis)
Looking crazy in your tent SDS!!/ all those panels "hoovering" above the tops like bees:P........wondering why your scrogging them in an offset pattern, instead of straight ??

Cirque du Soleil...
...some trigono..&%$)!


but for this way, not a bad idea...:-P
And last ,but not least...

-Shade Adapted plants have small stature...
very nice,psynobi!
what about the russian girls?or this is another tent?
i also want to ask what this DIY thing with the bottle of water,is?
i am pretty sure it is for the humidity,but what exaclty is doing?
Are you saying that there are 3 types of cannabis: Indica/Sativa, Ruderalis, and Hemp?

Nop...I 'm saying that I can accept Hemp & Ruderalis as different species ,regarding morphological,reproductional & chemotype characteristics ...And still,have serious doubts about classifying mj to "Indica" / "Sativa" ,according to morphological/physical characteristics and only
( I was referring ,to old type classification... )Really nice links...I'll need some time to go through them...
Indeed ,very interesting stuff there..(just by a brief look that I had....)
very nice,psynobi!
what about the russian girls?or this is another tent?
i also want to ask what this DIY thing with the bottle of water,is?
i am pretty sure it is for the humidity,but what exaclty is doing?

one white russian has been cut down a week ago.. the other one is still under 400 hps for about 2 weeks more i guess. when she finishes i will put in the tent with led these ladies for flowering..

this is humidifier but it's not DIY. i bought it from ebay for 15 euros.. great little gadget.. very helpful for the first weeks
Smokin' tobacco or cigarettes ?
Growing in moderate temps with leds ?
Welcome to the Mosaic Virus World...


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