Icabod craned my plant!!! Help!

Avon lee

Active Member
Today I was movin my plant from one room to another and the top 2 nodes along witb main Cola brushed against the door and SNAP!!!! I looked down and the whole top of the plant was on the floor. I put wet tissue and a string around the snapped part and tied it with a string!
Will she make it?
Will she Hermie???
I shaved the bottom leaves off the broken part,put it in water for about 10 minutes and planted it like you would do a clone. Will that part of the plant grow???



Ursus marijanus
You'd be better off doing a proper cloning attempt on the snapped portion. Roots before soil is a hard&fast rule; "just a stem" won't live.

But hermie? I'd say no risk. cn


Active Member
What the bear said.^^

Also, you might just want to remove that band-aid if that is just where the stem was cut, as it possibly will just cause rot. It should heal fine without being wrapped.

Avon lee

Active Member
I took clones off the snapped part but I also cut the broken stem at a 45° degree angle,scraped and planted it. Just wondering if that top part could be planted!


Ursus marijanus
I took clones off the snapped part but I also cut the broken stem at a 45° degree angle,scraped and planted it. Just wondering if that top part could be planted!
Not unless you managed to induce rooting ... and left a growth tip or two. If not, it's green waste for the compost. Jmo. cn

Avon lee

Active Member
Yea I don't think it's gone make it! Its drooping so I might just let it do its thing for the night. Maybe it'll be erect in the mornin. Thanks for the tips on my tip!