Stewart Rakes Huckabee Over The Coals

She already made the choice when she decided to have sex. I was always taught as a kid to never do something unless I could accept the consequences. Apparently you were not raised the same way.

My guess is your parents were judgemental jackass's and they raised another one just like them
I'm a secular humanist for life. Life isn't religious. It's even worse for me to fathom when abortion happens because I don't believe the baby goes to heaven. It lost its chance at life because someone murdered it.

So you view all life the same, then, right?
My guess is your parents were judgemental jackass's and they raised another one just like them

Plus, people are prone to errors, especially in regards to their judgment, and even more so when they're not yet old enough to either be completely consciously aware of those choices and understand the consequences of them, or old enough to care.

But forget all that..

Do christians actually believe every fertilized egg becomes a full fledged human? forget about all the human stillbirth, death of mothers and the fact that most women flush fertilized eggs out. Human life is a common occurance, its not a miracle. i'm gonna be dead by the time overpopulation gets to the breaking point, some believe we are already there, but maybe then the pious will see, drink the coolaid and go away.

I've always believed that life begins in the fathers scrotum after the third Budweiser.
I didnt realize Fox ressurected the new Black panthers

Now that explains the 100% obama vote in Philly echos I keep hearing from the Fright wing

I love their selective memory. During O'Bama's first election there were districts in Chicago that showed McCain with zero votes.
She already made the choice when she decided to have sex. I was always taught as a kid to never do something unless I could accept the consequences. Apparently you were not raised the same way.

She made a choice about being raped? She made a choice about being sexually assaulted by her brother or daddy? She made a choice to die with her child due to complications and the only way to live was to abort the child? Really? You need to rethink your ideology. Conception to grave means no provision for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother. Reproductive rights are a woman's choice alone to make. It is her body therefore her choice. It's between her and her doctor. Everyone else just needs to butt the fuck out.
You're a real hate monger. You use propaganda without knowing true meaning. What Huckabee said was, "stand the test of fire." Which means not to fold under pressure to your core values. It has nothing to do with hell, chicken little.

choomboy guy is now accusing others of being hate mongers.

lol, irony.
She made a choice about being raped? She made a choice about being sexually assaulted by her brother or daddy? She made a choice to die with her child due to complications and the only way to live was to abort the child? Really? You need to rethink your ideology. Conception to grave means no provision for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother. Reproductive rights are a woman's choice alone to make. It is her body therefore her choice. It's between her and her doctor. Everyone else just needs to butt the fuck out.
i think he was discussing 2 consenting adults having sex and then choosing abortion after understanding the consequences.... which irks me because having a child is a SHITTY life lesson for "pull out"
She made a choice about being raped? She made a choice about being sexually assaulted by her brother or daddy? She made a choice to die with her child due to complications and the only way to live was to abort the child? Really? You need to rethink your ideology. Conception to grave means no provision for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother. Reproductive rights are a woman's choice alone to make. It is her body therefore her choice. It's between her and her doctor. Everyone else just needs to butt the fuck out.

Read post #28 and try to keep up, please.
Oh I get it
it's the
"slut should be punished for trying to enjoy one of lifes pleasures"

I never called anyone a slut. It seems you have that notion built into your brain about women who enjoy sex. Oh and by the way, there are plenty of other ways to get off besides putting your dick in a pussy, kid.
I revere life and it makes no difference what others think, including myself. We need protections from the whims of the present culture. Again why I'm vegan. All animal life needs protection. An unborn child knows not the suffering where it came.

you say you rever life but you also said you would kill your wife.

you're an idiot. this election has exposed you for the manic, racist shit you are. choomboy.
As well as jacking off and scratching an itch, all live cells. No more killing houseflies or catching fish, no more donating blood..

What a retarded philosophy..

"all life is precious" is an impossible lifestyle to impose. There is nothing wrong with discriminating against life when it's in a scientific or medical context. But that doesn't sound as good as "Pro-Life!" and takes more than 10 seconds of thought to understand.

canna lets spider mites eat his plants. that's how cool he is.
4 weeks after fertilization looks like this

And your comparing that to skin and seamen. You are a really smart person..

lol, seamen.:lol:

She already made the choice when she decided to have sex. I was always taught as a kid to never do something unless I could accept the consequences. Apparently you were not raised the same way.

doesn't know how to spell, doesn't realize that contraception is imperfect, advocates abstinence, reeks of misogyny...

yep, we got ourselves a republican here.
A hate monger? Coming from you that's quite the compliment. Thank you. And bullshit. I grew up up with Christian code language. He knew exactly how to word it and Stewart picked up on it. Recorded in eternity? Give me a break. The commercial was about women's reproductive rights and marriage equality and he was implying that voting to support them would have Heavenly repercussions. Huckabee's and the Gop's mistake was their hubris. They were so sure in their righteousness and about a Romney win the truth was finally bubbling to the surface. Like the La Brea Tar Pits. Now that it's all over everyone is backpedaling and using phrases like, "That's not what I meant!" Bullshit. It's exactly what you meant and now you're going to have to deal with the fallout.

The GOP might try to learn. George Bush, W's nephew, is the shoo in for the Hispanic vote because he speaks fluent Spanish. Pardon me but the Mexicans and Hispanics are NOT dumb and they recognize a pig in a dress like they know one in a pen.

I am still guessing Martinez as a contender for the nomination. The Hispanic vote (not likely) and the women's vote (not very likely either). I really do believe they are that shallow. For example there are many in the upper ranks of the GOP who refuse to turn their back on Karl Rove. Live and learn I guess.