
I must eat a raw diet also, cuz my shit doesn't stink either.
(Not sure about the powdery part)

My Shepard's eat table scraps, I buy them McDonalds all the time.
Spose I better not do Chi like that.
He will be an added layer to my tweeker prevention.
My wife and I have been looking for a female Doberman. I see that many deal with heart issues. Don't wanna pay lots for a dog that is gonna cost losts. Looking for a Doberman where this is not in genes or at least not as stable as I have read it can be. Got cash its gotta be a young pup too. I want it as soon as it is ready to come home with me. If a breeder of the breed is here...lets talk.
Lots of US breeds have these issues. Decades of people breeding for a dog's appearance. In Europe, they still breed for performance. I'd suggest checking out breeders that have very recent acquisitions from Europe as their breeding stock. This stock is generally healthier and has the attitude you're wanting. I have seen many US dobies, shepherds, etc get all nervous when presented with a bite sleeve. It's painful to watch the decoy coax a dog to get it on.
All I need is to do is keep people away from the house for some time and she will keep punks away when she is ready. I thank you for the info Rrog it is helpful knowledge. So I am looking for European genetics correct? How easy are those genetics find in MI ya think? I will search on google again at some point and re-read some of the breeder sites from around MI and look for those whose blood is more from England then US - Thanks again
Hic, European genetics is it, IMHO. Generally Czech, East & west Germany. That's for Mals, GSD, Dobies. The typical working dogs with high prey drive. That's the key I look for with 7 week pups. If I'm spending tall dollars on a pup, then train him for years, I want the best initial genetics I can get. Just like with MJ
My wife and I have been looking for a female Doberman. I see that many deal with heart issues. Don't wanna pay lots for a dog that is gonna cost losts. Looking for a Doberman where this is not in genes or at least not as stable as I have read it can be. Got cash its gotta be a young pup too. I want it as soon as it is ready to come home with me. If a breeder of the breed is here...lets talk.

interesting that you and I have things in common, and this isn't the first thing I've noticed either. There about a dozen gently-used Dobermans available for adoption at this rescue site. I've had two rescue pets and one designer breed animal, both can be a good route to go. see 'available dogs' -here is your olive link: :leaf:
When you notice that we both just wanna do what we can to try to make BOTH our worlds just a little better then they were yesterday everyday I will then care about our interest we share in dogs.

I do not hate you abe at all. To tell you the truth I do not even like not liking you. I hope to move on someday from the past. I am not your judge I just stood up for injustices I saw taking place.

We are at peace as you know abe. I know that now you can make it last now you know my point of view, if you wish.
Wow is this little fucker the cutest thing ever.
Belle can still carry him and love on him, but he is going to be huge,
she has about 4-5 more days before he is too big for all that.
You can look at fur and paws and know he is going to grow like hydro!
Thank You Corso for the added security, we will take good care of Chicago.
I'll recommend again the raw diet. I'm as hot on that as soil growing. I've had several GSD's over the years and feeding this one Raw diet was a very dramatic difference. Anything that good ought to be accommodated IMHO. $0.49 a pound for chicken leg quarters in 10 pound bags.
Sounds good, but I doubt like fuck I will do it. lmao.
I'll buy good bagged shit, that will probably be about as far as I go.

Chicago was scared as fuck last night, when I talk he feels much more comfortable and is following me all around.
You must be loud like me Corso, lol.
Can't wait to meat him!!! Bella will tune him up to some pitty play!!

True words on the raw diet. Both sides :)

At least you could switch your dry food to something like Diamonds large or pro breed. Highly rec there puppy food. Bella is still on it.
I'll switch dog food no prob. I will make strong effort at no people food either.
He misses his family he just gave a few really long howls, lmao.
It was surprising seeing his little ass sing like that. lol.
here is my pup
I will post lots of pics. My computer is screwed up right now. It is a lot of effort loading pics now (well, I use my other laptop and don't like it as much. lol.)
I got some windows 7 disks to do system recovery. You are supposed to install the first disk, then shut down your computer. When you fire it back up, the install wizard is supposed to take over and it Tit's thing, well shit isn't happening. When I ordered the disks the lady said that I'd only have to pay shipping cuz it's under warranty. Not only did they charge me full price, but they charged me twice and sent two copies!! lmao. And it isn't working. lmao. Doubt if I can get help today, probably Monday. I had six, seven calls to HP tech support yesterday. I became really pissed. There is no way I didn't cuss out 20 non-english speaking motherfuckers. If that's racist, suck my cock. Sorry, I serious bought a new laptop to not have computer trouble any more. Swore I had geek squad. Many have told me bite the bullet and get an apple. Let me try and call these sons of bitchs.