@medhed, thinking about dropping the thow wow, and switch her out for my 600watt phantom and drop another 400 watt bare bulb next to the sixer, and here's the reasoning, two semi donuts next to each other where the walls r utilized for vine like growth while maintaining 2 overlapping donuts, vert brightens the whole area intensifying the amt of light immediately next to and on leaves bcuz ther is no barrier hood blocking it. My ladies literally look brighter and so lush. I'm no pro but I hav spent many night and day studying the responses they hav toward lights and nutes. ESP environment. Wut does erry1 think, I can pull 2pz's n theory with the two 400's, also grams to watts is better with smaller wattage ne ways. Correct me if I'm wrong, any and all opinions theories and ESP first hand exp is welcome, Ur thoughts community please