shout out to sunni


New Member
You know those people on Youtube that record their day and make thousands lol. You have to have an interesting enough life to get that many to follow but I used to watch a few. Shaytards and Charles Trippy (who you look exactly alike btw lol). They're both pretty funny, haven't been watching them lately tho. Few more out there but those are the 2 big ones.


Well-Known Member
Mine would be titled. " You know what really pisses me off"

And that's how every episode would start.


New Member
That might actually go well, Fluffee does something like that where he talks about weird and stupid news so he might be a competition lol.Seriously tho, if you make some good point, you can make $$$$, I mean 6 figures, have you ever heard of SxePhil?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
That might actually go well, Fluffee does something like that where he talks about weird and stupid news so he might be a competition lol.Seriously tho, if you make some good point, you can make $$$$, I mean 6 figures, have you ever heard of SxePhil?
I used to follow flufee's vlogs. he's a funny dude


Staff member
never knew she was a she. never thought about it. only read in between the lines and thought she was a sincere and empathetic old soul. (meaning wise) much love her way. hope she is not in distress.
so me. lol

uh im flattered i guess..but telling me youre going to "tear up my pussy" will not get me. I like more of a gentleman.


New Member
so me. loluh im flattered i guess..but telling me youre going to "tear up my pussy" will not get me. I like more of a gentleman.
How about, I will treat your vagina like it's a fine piece of Kobe beef, my fair lady. Gentleman enough?


Well-Known Member
Hey sunni, so while you've been baking and blazing this thread of 114 posts and 126 likes has been going on. Have you read every post?


Staff member
Hey sunni, so while you've been baking and blazing this thread of 114 posts and 126 likes has been going on. Have you read every post?
yeah i did i went to bed early last night then worked all day today so i just got on hmmm about an hour and half i read it while i was making dinner


Well-Known Member
yeah i did i went to bed early last night then worked all day today so i just got on hmmm about an hour and half i read it while i was making dinner
I see....its been a highly entertaining thread, creepy but entertaining non the less.