First time bubble bucket with MJ


Well-Known Member
I have done hydro before with veggies and melon plants but this is he first time doing a hydro Cannabis plant.

Here are some pictures

I am using the NF (nutrifeild) line of hydro foodz. I never really looked up or asked anybody if the black build up on the roots was healthy, I always just assumed it was beneficial bacteria from the stuff I put in the water.

It never hurts the plant so I don't really care that it is there.

Anyway, Does everything look normal? I know the plant in the bucket isn't the best pheno, it is lanky and bad node spacing, but they were tiny seedlings when I decided which one to put into the bucket, then by the time I knew I had better ones to put in there it was too late.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I have done hydro before with veggies and melon plants but this is he first time doing a hydro Cannabis plant.

Here are some pictures
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I am using the NF (nutrifeild) line of hydro foodz. I never really looked up or asked anybody if the black build up on the roots was healthy, I always just assumed it was beneficial bacteria from the stuff I put in the water.

It never hurts the plant so I don't really care that it is there.

Anyway, Does everything look normal? I know the plant in the bucket isn't the best pheno, it is lanky and bad node spacing, but they were tiny seedlings when I decided which one to put into the bucket, then by the time I knew I had better ones to put in there it was too late.
Hey jpeg666.....

What I see is not good.....They can be saved, and cleaned up with some H202 and elbow grease.....The roots should not be all black and slimmy.....I will post a cupple pic' pic will be when they were young...and then after 3.5 months.............nitro..



Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of two clones in a modified DWC (rubbermaid) bucket, your looking to have nice white roots.

Aquashield / vodoojuice type products will help you out.



Well-Known Member
Are you using the Complete Elements 4-part (Grow/Bloom A-B), what is making your rez so black? I get a little staining later in flower from my nutrients but never black water or roots.



Well-Known Member
I am using the full line Element 4 part NF zyme is thick black stinky shit, fullife is dark brown stinky shit, cargo boost is dark stinky shit too


Well-Known Member
The roots are all white those pictures don't do them justice but I assure you the roots are sparkly white but they also have a little staining in some spots from the water and the black build up in some spots, if I were to pick that stuff off I am sure they would be white under.

I am sure it is bene bacteria, but I want another opinion, the plant has no bad signs from it sooo..... I doubt it is anything bad.

EDIT: lol not sparkly white but they are white

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Look at your water and look at mine....your water in clear mine it black.....
I am not fimilar with the nutes you are using ......I use GH 3 part nutes and it is dark......but if my roots were slimmy with brown /black slimmy stuff I would be haveing problems....I have had root rot before and it kinda started off like what I am seeing with your pic's...................nitro...


Well-Known Member
I am not fimilar with the nutes you are using ......I use GH 3 part nutes and it is dark......but if my roots were slimmy with brown /black slimmy stuff I would be haveing problems....I have had root rot before and it kinda started off like what I am seeing with your pic's...................nitro...
The roots have had that stuff on them since 1 week after using these nutes and it has been like 1 month....myabe 3 weeks, sooo....if it was rot I think I would see signs by now wouldn't you think? The plant is 100% healthy


Well-Known Member
Here ya go


Well-Known Member
My roots are a light tannish color unless rinsed due to kelp, B-52 and The part "A" in AN Sensi series nutes. But the water is always very clear and I can see to the bottom of the res clearly. Feel the roots as well. Slimy feeling? Not good. Using chlorinated tap water is not harmful to hydro pot in my LIMITED experience so far with 10 plants. However I welcome remarks by nitro harley, superstoner and others experienced in hydro as I really am not. Outdoor guerrilla grower since 1964 but very new to hydro. And I'm fucking loving it!!!!

Oh yeah the VooDoo Juice is also darker than my last wife's heart.


Well-Known Member
I welcome their advice but I also want them to know the whole story and all details, Like the slime being there but the plant being 100% healthy and continuing to grow and put out lots and lots of roots, so I would rule out root rot wouldn't you?....

This wan't a diagnoses post either lol. I just wanted to hear what people thought of it.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
The slime on your roots is cyanobacteria, peroxide will not help. Dutch Master Zone works great, along with spraying the roots with a spray bottle and water. The spray will knock that shit loose, the zone will prevent it from coming back. I get that shit in veg with clones/seedlings with smaller root systems. Once they get established for some reason the slime goes away.


Well-Known Member
Your roots should not look like that at all. Nitro knows what he is talking about. If you do not take measures now, I am pretty certain that you will not be happy with result.

What is your water temperature like?


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention it is NOT slimy at all, it is somewhat grainy if it wipe it off the roots and rub it between my fingers


Well-Known Member
Well I am almost positive it is nothing bad, I am going to let it ride and see what happens, If the plant takes a dive I will let you know if the plant flourishes I will let you know


Well-Known Member
But it IS something bad, and the plant in your bubble bucket looks stretched, skinny, and sickly compared to the plants in your soil/soiless mix to the right of it. Are you trying to convince US that everything is ok, or are you trying to convince yourself? These guys are just trying to help. Nutes might stain your roots, but no nutes should clump to them like that shit on your roots.


Well-Known Member

that plant was vegged for 4 weeks and is going into her second week of flower.

i use GH Flora Nova Grow/Bloom.

your plant does not look healthy IMO.