UFO over Denver. For real.

If I remember correctly, the other day on NPR, an astrophysicist said we cannot even see 78% of the universe. I know we can see hundreds of billions of galaxies, so that is amazing. To think we are the only life seems about as ignorant as possible.


Well-Known Member
What if it is a perpetual cycle of growing universes, a "multiverse" if you will? it could be growing and we can never reach the end because we are too far behind and don't have the technology to travel that far into space at such a rate where we can ever see the beginning.......mind melter


Well-Known Member
What if it is a perpetual cycle of growing universes, a "multiverse" if you will? it could be growing and we can never reach the end because we are too far behind and don't have the technology to travel that far into space at such a rate where we can ever see the beginning.......mind melter

FWIW... I seriously hope we are not the people at the end. We already screwed it all up


Active Member
Whatever object that was in the air was going completely against the laws of gravity, the vehicle is from another civilization plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Whatever object that was in the air was going completely against the laws of gravity, the vehicle is from another civilization plain and simple.
You may be right, and with the size of the universe I agree there has to be other life out there. But IMO its dangerous to say the video shows objects from another civilization. We don't know that, it could be any number of things, including stuff we don't know about or haven't thought of.

Always best to keep an open mind. You've seen those security camera videos that appear to show a ghost moving about? Turns out most/all were bugs on the camera lens.

I almost think this could be bugs or debris very close to the lens that appear to be moving fast in relation to the distance the camera is focused on


Active Member
I wonder how good the bud is on other planets, growing in the wild. I bet if there is another planet out there with humans or something close to humans, they most certainly do not condemn such a plant like this retarded civilization.


Well-Known Member
i'm going out on a limb and calling those things bugs.

where's the video interview of the 'cinematographer' that took this video? why is he not on the record saying the same thing? why is the guy asking to not be identified? maybe he doesn't want to get fun of?

the only way this is ever going to be more than a bug is if you post up on another vantage point and simultaneously record the same event from two perspectives....

like the lights over phoenix episode....

also, at noon, over an airport, and not a single pilot saw it or reported it? i call bullshit... i could swear the bugs that hit my face when i bike are also violating laws of gravity... lol


Well-Known Member
Well the bug theory was already investigated and experts say its not bugs... and i live in colorado and there arent many bugs flying around this time of the year....
i'm going out on a limb and calling those things bugs.
where's the video interview of the 'cinematographer' that took this video? why is he not on the record saying the same thing? why is the guy asking to not be identified? maybe he doesn't want to get fun of?

the only way this is ever going to be more than a bug is if you post up on another vantage point and simultaneously record the same event from two perspectives....

like the lights over phoenix episode....

also, at noon, over an airport, and not a single pilot saw it or reported it? i call bullshit... i could swear the bugs that hit my face when i bike are also violating laws of gravity... lol


Well-Known Member
well with that blurry, grainy excuse of a video who the hell would ever want to say anything on record?

i call BS... it's a small bug, that 'thruster' just a reflection...


Well-Known Member
I just watched that video twice and it looked like bugs and someone throwing rocks. I don't know about UFO's but the guy who shot the video has bigfoot hairy forearms. So does bigfoot live in Denver?