Geek trend


Well-Known Member
dude time and time again i see people with geek fashion shit. wearing thick ass glasses and looking retarded, i know these people dont need glasses its just some fashion bullshit but does anyone know what the next trend will be or what it will be?? better yet when does this one end


Active Member
IDK but its not near as bad as the wearing clothes 5 sizes to big with your pants around your knees fad


Well-Known Member
if you are refering to the "tina fey" or sarah palin look? I am on board with you... reminds me of the high school year book photos from thw 50's


bud bootlegger
Or the kids with the super tight pants...
i'll take seeing someones underwear over having to look at someone's cock in those super tight pants hot nowadays.. my boy was in a band in nyc, need i say more?? he's fucking super hip,hipper then that even... anyhoo's, the shit he wears, i went over to see him for xmas, and ffs, you could totally see the outline of his wang... too fucking tight bro.


bud bootlegger
i do hate the fashion now though.. i was in my 20s in the 90s, so yah, i was there at the start of the whole baggy jeans thing.. went to raves back then and i had some super huge jeans.. idk, i still like that look way more then this new super tight look..
i fucking hate tight clothes. always have.. i'm a big person, i like to cover meself up.. can't stand shit all up against my skin and shit.. could never be a chic.


Well-Known Member
i was there at the start of the whole baggy jeans thing.. went to raves back then and i had some super huge jeans.. idk, i still like that look way more then this new super tight look..
Lol, the days of the UFO's and Echo. Yes Yes, I'm guilty too. In my defense they were sooo comfortable!


Well-Known Member
Jyncos!! Hot damn! I knew there was 1 I was missing. Kaffeine started to make a push about the time I was quitting the scene.


Well-Known Member
Remember when one wore their hat low with the rim bent. Now they rock 'em flat huge brimmed with the sticker still on it....


bud bootlegger
I was a going to hardcore shows back in the day wearing some size 42 green dickies and a bloodlet tshirt...
see, i started off in the hardcore scene for years and years.. then it was super odd, it seemed like a lot of the same kids from the hardcore scene all of a sudden one day started going to raves over night.. a lot of new faces as well, but it definitely crossed over around here.