my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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Well-Known Member
Ah to be young, dumb and full of cum.

You let light escape. If you hadn't, he would not have known it was there.
You fucked up dumbass.

Get your own place and pay your own bills. Then you can whine about being called a punk.


New Member
Words of wisdom, I am not really mad I messed up. I coulda made it more secure and no one woulda found out but nope. I didn't imagine the day my dad would walk up there and do this. I thought he would let it be and be fine with it but its a problem for him I took the responsibility for my loss. Thank you for your kind words. :)
So how deep into the grow were u....weeks?
Everyone's being a little hard on him. Yes, he had all the right to pull them but i can understand why you are frustrated. I bet that had he found them before the cable guy did then he would have left them. I am sure that he is concerned that the cable guy will call the police and then he will go to jail. Talk with him about it. Tell him you want to grow since he already knows.
Yea, exactly what happened and the cable guy didnt even see it growin only pulled and on the ground be for going in the trash.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaha, can't help but laugh.

it doesnt matter a locked room with a light. gives no right for him too do what he did
He has every right, he can do whatever the fuck he wants in his own house. Stop being such a little bitch, you claim you are 18 yet you act like you are 14.
Dude, you were putting him at a major risk, (him) being a medical patient, and (you) illegally growing in his house. Your dad should be on here writing about how his idiot son couldn't ask him to be his caretaker, and decided to John Wayne a grow, all on his own. And like others have said, be grateful, that your dad ripped it up, if he didn't put on a little show for the repairman, you might have both been on your way to jail.

P.S. Be happy you still have your dad, I lost mine when I was 20. We got in fist fights, screaming matches, etc... I miss him every day.
I miss my old dad every day too I basically lost my dad too a brain injury when I was 14. I am greatful but the t.v. repairman had no idea and didn't care one bit. he just overreacted over not knowing something and had too pull what he saw. Wich I have no problem with.


Well-Known Member
I feel all dirty and trolled inside, lol
Pics or it dint happen. It is impossible that you do not have a pic.
Trust me.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ahhh, to be a know it all child again.
Don't worry kiddo, things will look much different when you see the other side of the fence. :cool:
Ahhh, to be a know it all child again.
Don't worry kiddo, things will look much different when you see the other side of the fence. :cool:
HAHA, I am not afraid of 30 days of jail. In a decriminalized place and a 1000$ fine I have more things too care about than being caught. when it happened too I was busy talking too my ex school cop and he was looking for a ballast for a light at my work. XD


Active Member
Just tie him up and sit him in the cupboard with ya grow. He will be warm, you can feed him. 3 months later sell ya 30oz and get ya own place. Don't forget to let the old man go though. :-P


Well-Known Member
Its not the 30 days it is the probation and the terms thereof that end up fucking you up.
Not to mention that it is very important to keep a clean record if you ever want a good job.
Trust me we have all done dumb shit but being older now I regret some of it that I never thought twice about as a youth.


Well-Known Member
Its not the 30 days it is the probation and the terms thereof that end up fucking you up.
Not to mention that it is very important to keep a clean record if you ever want a good job.
Trust me we have all done dumb shit but being older now I regret some of it that I never thought twice about as a youth.
Good advise right here!^^^^^
Its not the 30 days it is the probation and the terms thereof that end up fucking you up.
Not to mention that it is very important to keep a clean record if you ever want a good job.
Trust me we have all done dumb shit but being older now I regret some of it that I never thought twice about as a youth.
Yea thats true. I have never much cared about myself though if it means me getting caught then its a part of life.

match box

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid my mother called the cops and had me put in jail for a pipe with a little weed in it. That was 1969. Not much has changed. Nothing new under the sun. It may piss ya off but you have a life time of growing ahead of you. Learn and move on. match
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