Cannabis and sexlife


Well-Known Member
How does it affect your sex life? preferably in a marriage. Does it put you in the mood, does it mess up your concentration during sex ?

if you comment leave your age please and male or female


Well-Known Member
I know some girls get horny as all hell when they smoke so it's helped me out here and there. Nothin like a natural aphrodisiac, some good candle lighting, and some excellent home cooked food to get laid.

Dr. Jinx

Is there anything wrong with unplugging the whole operation when a girl is over? If you are an 24/0 veg does it stress the plants if it goes dark for a while(or for that matter 12/12)? I'm guessing not because in nature there are days without sunlight, but what do I know? Advise would be appreciated.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Is there anything wrong with unplugging the whole operation when a girl is over? If you are an 24/0 veg does it stress the plants if it goes dark for a while(or for that matter 12/12)? I'm guessing not because in nature there are days without sunlight, but what do I know? Advise would be appreciated.
...this is a funny post! (good funny, not laughing at you)


Well-Known Member
Both me and my girlfriend get hornier when smoking and amount of sex goes up generally over when we are not smoking, also i have foubd ppl are more willing to try new things sexually when smoking

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Smoking is definately a turn off for me, although i don't think it really matters with my gf she want's it all the time regardless. Smoking for me is more of a cerebral buzz regardless if it's sativa or indica. It gets me thinking too much to concentrate on having a really good time will messing around or fucking.

Alcohol on the other hand is a brain numbing rather than a brain stimulator, so i enjoy sex a lot when im intoxicated from alcohol... plus for some reason the more i drink the longer i can hold out before i orgasm... but the more drunk i am the less my pleasure receptors work, so the less it feels good.

Out of everything though, i think i like sex the most completely sober, but that's just me and everyone is different.

Maybe some extacy once or twice a year with her if i come across any.


Well-Known Member
Totally fucks up my sex life. Can't bring home any chicks lest they ask questions about the noise in the closet and light leaking under the door.
No shit! My grow room is quiet with no light leaks, but the last girl I dated kept trying to get in there. I told her it was my office and it was just really messy, but the questions! Why is it always locked? Why can't I just see it? Are you a serial killer (she actually asked this)? Why is the air conditioner on in there, you're wasting energy. I squashed that relationship real quick...


Well-Known Member
Is there anything wrong with unplugging the whole operation when a girl is over? If you are an 24/0 veg does it stress the plants if it goes dark for a while(or for that matter 12/12)? I'm guessing not because in nature there are days without sunlight, but what do I know? Advise would be appreciated.
I think you're joking, but just in case... No, don't do that: interrupting the light/dark cycle can cause your veg plants to start flowering and your flowering plants to hermie. There are overcast days in nature, but the sun has never failed to rise as far as I know ;)


Well-Known Member
I loe this info folks. Pot doesnt make me want it any more or any less, it just fucks up my concentration during sex. My mind wont just stay tuned to one thing, it goes haywire


Well-Known Member
I think you're joking, but just in case... No, don't do that: interrupting the light/dark cycle can cause your veg plants to start flowering and your flowering plants to hermie. There are overcast days in nature, but the sun has never failed to rise as far as I know ;)
And even a full moon is an entire 1 lux of lighting. Your dark has to be that dark. Measure the lux reading on an overcast day? Much higher than 1` lux.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
No shit! My grow room is quiet with no light leaks, but the last girl I dated kept trying to get in there. I told her it was my office and it was just really messy, but the questions! Why is it always locked? Why can't I just see it? Are you a serial killer (she actually asked this)? Why is the air conditioner on in there, you're wasting energy. I squashed that relationship real quick... - wasting energy!



Well-Known Member
marijuana doesnt do much for me as far as sex goes. if anything it makes me lazy (if its indica) or if its sativa im usually too "up" to sit down and have sex. weird right?

idk. theres a fair balance for me where if i smoke a lil or drink a lil bit then i can have sex fine but if im moderatly high or buzzed i'd rather wait till it subsides but then again this is from the person who is the DESIGNATED SEX MACHINE (ie i ALWAYS do 90% of the work...only break i get r bj breaks where i kick back 4 a min and try to stop sweating and try to catch my breath lol)

so since i do almost all the work if im too high or too drunk its not worth the effort to me.. id rather wait till i sober up.

my gf on the other hand could give 2 fuks. she'd always rather have sex high. soon as she smokes she wants to get started. so i found away around it. get her high 1st...have sex. then ill get high (usually she'll smoke with me after too lol)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
my gf on the other hand could give 2 fuks. she'd always rather have sex high. soon as she smokes she wants to get started. so i found away around it. get her high 1st...have sex. then ill get high (usually she'll smoke with me after too lol)
I'm stealing this idea... and using it to my advantage. Sounds like we're in the same sort of situation.


Well-Known Member
I'm stealing this idea... and using it to my advantage. Sounds like we're in the same sort of situation.
it saved me. when im high sex doesnt last as long bcuz im less motivated to hold out and make it good 4 her. instead when high my thought process is "ok...just cum so u can relax" lol

of course theres exceptions. sometimes (on some strains) i can have sex high and its better than sober but usually it kills my will 2 do so. i look at sex as "too much work" while high lol


Well-Known Member
i just cant keep my mind on whats needed, mind wondering 100mph, light coming out from under my closet door with the smell of good bud. it all just piles up lol