Nutrient help

I am using house&garden in my ebb n flow 55 gal res. after this run I would like to change my
lineup and I'd rather ask you guys than the hydro store because they are just going to tell me why I should buy the most expensive shit. ( h&g is nice just pricey for start up ) input please and thanks.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
House and garden aqua flakes. Don't know what nutes you'd use to top that. Did u use the whole line? And now u hate it? I'm so confused.....
I'm sick and high give me a break. Lol. I am using aqua flakes and yes the whole line of h&g. But I would like to use something cheaper and would like to get people's input that have used something different and have had good results.


Active Member
While not cheap I prefer to use GH's FloraNova line...its a 1 part nute, there is a grow and a bloom and after multiple runs using it I now use just the Bloom through all phases of the grow and have had some amazing results with virtually no salt build up. About the only drawback I have noticed is roughly between weeks 4&5 of bloom you might need a bit of Cal-Mag otherwise your good to grow.


Active Member
I use canna aqua in my hydro and floranova in dirt. I'd say floranova s cheap compared to canna. Canna by far superior.


Well-Known Member
I switching from H&G full line to maxibloom by itself. I'm sick of the BS. Plants dont need all that shit. People have been growing dank for years without all the rocket fuel. I like growing weed not mixing chemicals all day.
I dropped all the additives last week and am running just A & B now until I run out then switching over to maxibloom full time. I just switched my veg plants over.
I'm not doubting that if you are running at 100% efficiency that adding the additives could maybe give you a few percent more. I would argue the cost and time isnt worth it. I also think theres way more chance of screwups with 5 bottles vs 1. IMNSHO
I also have a bottle of 1 part dynagrow i used in my veg room whenever i needed to "clear my head" and things were getting weird with the rocket fuel. It would always get better then I'd go back to 8 bottles of goo. My brain has obviously been in my ass.


Active Member
I switching from H&G full line to maxibloom by itself. I'm sick of the BS. Plants dont need all that shit. People have been growing dank for years without all the rocket fuel. I like growing weed not mixing chemicals all day.
I dropped all the additives last week and am running just A & B now until I run out then switching over to maxibloom full time. I just switched my veg plants over.
I'm not doubting that if you are running at 100% efficiency that adding the additives could maybe give you a few percent more. I would argue the cost and time isnt worth it. I also think theres way more chance of screwups with 5 bottles vs 1. IMNSHO
I also have a bottle of 1 part dynagrow i used in my veg room whenever i needed to "clear my head" and things were getting weird with the rocket fuel. It would always get better then I'd go back to 8 bottles of goo. My brain has obviously been in my ass.
I don't think it's quite as difficult as you say, at least it isn't with cannas line of nutes. Its not too difficult to follow the directions on the back of the bottle, but then I guess some people don't bother ph'n there water either. It certainly made a difference when I went to using the full line of nutes versus just vega and Flores. It's more so important when growing hydro since there is alot of nutes you don't get out of just water. Imho

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I wasn't a fan of H&G when I ran it. Floranova is okay. Comes with a lotta humic but it cakes the bottom of your reservoir with mud and I always had precipitate left in the bottom of bottles.

Dyna Gro did pretty well for me and is nice and clean. Affordable, too. Botanicares pure blend pro was also solid. Although some people claim it needs extra calmag, I never saw any deficiencies.

Bottom line, most nutes make it to the shelves for a reason. They all should work. It's really just a matter of which prices and marketing you choose.


Rebel From The North
I switching from H&G full line to maxibloom by itself. I'm sick of the BS. Plants dont need all that shit. People have been growing dank for years without all the rocket fuel. I like growing weed not mixing chemicals all day.
I dropped all the additives last week and am running just A & B now until I run out then switching over to maxibloom full time. I just switched my veg plants over.
I'm not doubting that if you are running at 100% efficiency that adding the additives could maybe give you a few percent more. I would argue the cost and time isnt worth it. I also think theres way more chance of screwups with 5 bottles vs 1. IMNSHO
I also have a bottle of 1 part dynagrow i used in my veg room whenever i needed to "clear my head" and things were getting weird with the rocket fuel. It would always get better then I'd go back to 8 bottles of goo. My brain has obviously been in my ass.

Good luck with the switch