The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
this is it look

art attack aint got shit on me

ice why dont you just take the front of the door frame off like you said and just buy a cheap wardrobe that covers the all of the door frame, take the back of the wardrobe off and it can be a magical gateway to a ganji narnia :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
those macros are sweet man. what do you use t get them?
my galaxy s2 does them, just zoom rite in and use the 30x loop, or not he uses htc so his may do it same as my galaxy, now if u can hold the loop steady u get good shots, but zooming rite in gets good results too..

well ive taken the door frame out, seems the door wasent hinged properly so it stands proud of the wall, only 3-4mm but its noticable, anyways filled and convered the gap round wer the frame was, tomorrows mission, wiring the rooms own electrical circuit and sanding down the plaster, also stripping the rest of the room so it all blnds in nicely


Well-Known Member
fuk sake! brand new tv cant kick into 3d mode OR get onto a hdmi channel coz the kids lost the remote!! bins got emtied this morning so i got this niggly feeling!


Well-Known Member
dunno if its got blutooth i may have to buy a dongle, its connected to my net and home network so maybei ltake a look,
just been playing around with the 3d took me a hr to find the on tv controls a lil joystik then anopther hr to suss out wat does wat after 50x turning the fucker off,

so 3d WORKS" was having sum split screen errror,

anyhoo nice but i can def see why people complain of headaches,, aches like a cunt watching it, il get sum better glasses for better experiance i think the free come with ones are awlays naff


Well-Known Member
you need to train your eyes to relax as well, when first watching mine would strain
now its ok
yeh started feeling it in my forhead n temples, fuking 5.99 to rent a film im never gunna watch to to test the 3d lol even the tivo box thinks im loaded!! wtf
on the look for a mooove shits going nuts round nr me ive had enough!
note to self,, must have celler or a nice walk in cupboard, just putting that on a wanted add can be techy, never mind if i got a grow on and they come to lok at th house, i may not even tell them about the room leave it as a suprise.

got loads of shit, just figuring wat we dont want stah in teh attick and thats that lol is that cheecky?


Well-Known Member
6 weeks 12/12, 4 weeks actual flowering.
that with the mh and hps yorkie m8? PM matey

i can get them trich shots on my s2 and the 30x loop overkill much yorkie? lol id expect nothing less non the less mate spec of YOU!

suprised u dont have a scalled hubble telescope aimed at your bud sites l;ol