could the police helicopter find my room?

Whats up everybody, im thinkin about doing an indoor grow this winter. Would it be easy for a police helicopter to detect a small grow room in a basement that only had 4-5 plants in it? Im thinkin about doing a small setup like this on a 400W HPS bulb (Flowering 2 at a time) just to have some personal use smoke, but ive never grew indoors before or know how easy it is to hide it. I dont have any neighbors around me so im not worried about the smell, and i rarely get visitors. The only thing im nervous about is people saying the helicopter can detect the heat. So would the grow lights/plant heat really show up from the sky through the basement ceiling, house ceiling, attic and roof? Any tips or suggestions?


Well-Known Member
get your card, then you wont have to worry.
otherwise..if you cant, i doubt you have much to worry about. but you never know.


Well-Known Member
Well in an un-insulated loft at my old flat with 1x600W HPS n 2x400W HPS venting straight into the loft space it didnt raise the temp more than 2-3 degrees over what it was before.
Also looked at the house before and after with a thermal sniper scope (mate is a specialist sniper in the british army) and no real difference in hear patter or signature when looking the the roof from outside in the street

bob jameson

Active Member
If your basement has windows you might want to cover and insulate them. It could be as simple as bubble wrap and a piece of cardboard taped over it. That is about the only type of hot spot you could produce, and then your basement would have to be warmer than they would expect to draw their attention.


New Member
Dont worry dude, the helicopter can only detect the heat of the outer walls of your house.Large grow ops of thousands of watts heat up houses like beacons to the flying pigs ,this is what they are looking for.

Only 2 ways you would get caught with the 400 is if you were venting the heat directly to the outside of your house, which you wonlt have to because they don't give off that much heat ,yes it will give off some heat but not to the point of heating up the walls of your house.Other way is if you hung the light really close to your wall or roof.It could heat the wall up if it was close enough.

if you get caught though ,it's 99% likely you told someone and they grassed you up ,or told someone who told someone else who grassed you up
Dont worry dude, the helicopter can only detect the heat of the outer walls of your house.Large grow ops of thousands of watts heat up houses like beacons to the flying pigs ,this is what they are looking for.

Only 2 ways you would get caught with the 400 is if you were venting the heat directly to the outside of your house, which you wonlt have to because they don't give off that much heat ,yes it will give off some heat but not to the point of heating up the walls of your house.Other way is if you hung the light really close to your wall or roof.It could heat the wall up if it was close enough.

if you get caught though ,it's 99% likely you told someone and they grassed you up ,or told someone who told someone else who grassed you up
There's a door in the basement that leads directly underneath the house (like to the dirt and water pipes), should i vent it out the door? There's a few windows down there too but i plan on sealing them up.


Well-Known Member
No way you'll stand out at 400 watts. Like the other posters here said. TI only sees heat diferences from one surface to another. Even if you had 1000 watts going upstairs, it's still just heat to the camera. There is no way to differenitate that heat from a space heater you might be using in your bedroom because it's cold in there. If you think of it in those terms, If that's all LEO needed, they would be kicking in the wrong door all over town. 400 in your basement is nothing at all to worry about. Smell control would be much higher on my list, for what it's worth.


New Member
There's a door in the basement that leads directly underneath the house (like to the dirt and water pipes), should i vent it out the door? There's a few windows down there too but i plan on sealing them up.
yes i have read that the best place to vent heat is underneath the house.. heat wise ,so long as its not leading to the open air theres no way the pigs will see the heat of a 400
I worked for the State Attorneys office in Florida(9th judicial court) I wasn't a lawyer just a male secretary for about 9 months and I did see one case come across my desk(that I had to file) but there were a TON of pictures in the file of the grow operation this guy had, he was pretty retarded though, he had a TON of power chords coming from his house to his grow op out in the woods behind his house, so the helicopter just hovered over the house and got all the pics of the power chords out of the house and then went and got a search warrant and arrested the guy, pretty decent operation so I'm sure he's still in jail right now.

Your little operation is way too small to be bothered with, just don't let the cops into the house at all if they come by and if you want to hide the smell my buddy out in California has a tutorial on how to hide the smell of weed on his site.