i was shown by the united states marine corps how to follow orders, drink myself into a coma, do pt till i puke at 5 am in the morning religiously, and of course to protect myself from any threat foreign or domestic. I grabbed that with both hands, was granted a mos of 8553 and i can say first hand that ive used what i learned once and its why i dont drive anymore. To be honest you'd have to be a smashing tool of a shitbag for conkey to wanna stab ya so honestly they prob deserved it lol.it's funny looking back because i was convinced those skiills would be put to good use in an urban environment lmao boy was i wrong. I have found that watching cannabis grow is not only pleasing to the sense's but it gives me a fresh insight on things everyday as my routines have changed for the better now that i garden fulltime. I would love to have neighbors like conkey! Shit ill paint my fingernails that color if it'll keep chitbags away!