coNKey's tRailEr TRasH SwAmP grOW

same theory as this...


Yup, pretty much except on a smaller scale...the pic I posted doesn't do the technique any jjustice, my girl uses 3 or 4 colors and does some SICK patterns!
i just took a guess cause like you said to make hardware like dat witout a lock blade would be a waste and a visit to emergancy by both the stab eeee and the eerrr
its a very safe knife , when it comes to knives i always think of safety first. So when i stab people with it is always a clean safe stab. so when they go to the emergency ward the Dr. has no problemento sewing them up becuase its such a clean straight safe cut.
One of my early memories back when my folks ran a pub was of my father taking a nail and hammering chips out of a cut throat razor. slice and tear he said I still have it somewhere.
I was shown by the united states marine corps how to follow orders, drink myself into a coma, do pt till i puke at 5 am in the morning religiously, and of course to protect myself from any threat foreign or domestic. I grabbed that with both hands, was granted a mos of 8553 and i can say first hand that Ive used what i learned once and its why i dont drive anymore. To be honest you'd have to be a smashing tool of a shitbag for conkey to wanna stab ya so honestly they prob deserved it lol.It's funny looking back because i was CONVINCED those skiills would be put to good use in an urban environment lmao boy was i wrong. I have found that watching cannabis grow is not only pleasing to the sense's but it gives me a fresh insight on things everyday as my routines have changed for the better now that i garden fulltime. I would love to have neighbors like conkey! Shit ill paint my fingernails that color if it'll keep chitbags away!

Please do not PM me about seeds. Thanks.

what does this mean? i didnt even know you had seeds or a brand lol. clue me in someone?
RIU monitor my PM (and everyone elses) the spybot picked up on a PM from someone by all accounts with the word s33d and something else so they put restrictions on my account. I can't even remember what it was about, all a bit fishy. I should just have a message, "please don't PM me," lol. Quite strange when I know some people on this site are doing all sorts on PM, fukkin knit twits.

Please do not PM me about seeds. Thanks.

what does this mean? i didnt even know you had seeds or a brand lol. clue me in someone?
its a very safe knife , when it comes to knives i always think of safety first. So when i stab people with it is always a clean safe stab. so when they go to the emergency ward the Dr. has no problemento sewing them up becuase its such a clean straight safe cut.

as Paris Hilton used to say "THATS HOTT" LOL
i was shown by the united states marine corps how to follow orders, drink myself into a coma, do pt till i puke at 5 am in the morning religiously, and of course to protect myself from any threat foreign or domestic. I grabbed that with both hands, was granted a mos of 8553 and i can say first hand that ive used what i learned once and its why i dont drive anymore. To be honest you'd have to be a smashing tool of a shitbag for conkey to wanna stab ya so honestly they prob deserved it's funny looking back because i was convinced those skiills would be put to good use in an urban environment lmao boy was i wrong. I have found that watching cannabis grow is not only pleasing to the sense's but it gives me a fresh insight on things everyday as my routines have changed for the better now that i garden fulltime. I would love to have neighbors like conkey! Shit ill paint my fingernails that color if it'll keep chitbags away!

my mos was 13bravo 155 howitzer hooah thank you for your service. I learned very quickly the govt trains you to kill not to live. I have been growing and now i live vicariously through my smoke. Again thank you for defending our country, alot of people take our freedom for granted. Which has turned me into a doomsday prepper.
RIU monitor my PM (and everyone elses) the spybot picked up on a PM from someone by all accounts with the word s33d and something else so they put restrictions on my account. I can't even remember what it was about, all a bit fishy. I should just have a message, "please don't PM me," lol. Quite strange when I know some people on this site are doing all sorts on PM, fukkin knit twits.

haha thats fucked up. but yeah if you got a name i imagine they where just doing it in you best interest, probably was a test from rolli and not a spybot.

well you cant blame the knit twits, networking is networking no matter how you look at it. but your the breeder or a rep? either way i might have a few ?s(marketing related) you might be able to answer if you can pm, just trying to understand the seed market a little more, no i dont need a any seeds directly from you lol.

i will check out the site, you guys gonna do any specials for Christmas? or the first of the year?
never mind, doh!(christmas specials)

whats up with the stelth shipping prices? ouch... i mean im willing to risk 30 with the regular post, but shit ill fucking put the extra 10 to ship you a dvd case to send it in lol.
I can only speak from personal experiance and say breeders are sexy gear period. Labeling them anything other than good gear is rubbish imo. Ive grown this gear and its better than alot of other breeders gear that is FAR more expensive. Dst represents a rockstar not a groupie in the breeders dept. You need to read and understand before assuming anything is crap you should try it out yourself not take someone's word for it.Everyone's experiance is different no?
i always grow breeders boutique gear. i would love a female dog. Infact i will take any female Breeders Boutique strain . Do ya'll have one yet? so i can grow a waterfarm with it without it going male on me like the dog did?

i got my volcano vaporizer back!! that was really fast!
it was broken, the heating element was not working properly anymore... so under warrently i sent it back and im pretty sure that they just sent me a BRAND NEW ONE! it looks a lot shineyer then my old one! Those guys Rock! im really impressed with there service. (paid enough though)

Ive been haveing an ear ache for a while now and i went to the ENT and he gave me 4 perscriptions. My favorite one being some valium.l]
I might be lingering effects from a bad cold i had last month or allergys or even worse bad TMJ!! fuck!!!!!! He said my jaw shifts 3 times when i close it.. and he said it looks COOL! fuckin weird fuck.
i have to take steroids for a week. and nose spray and ibuprofen.
I have never had so many health problems before i moved here to AZ .Living in the desert is brutal. I cant even get tested for allergies until I ADJUST to the enviorment which he said takes 18 months.!!

im going to do a really nice photo display of all my plants . I havent really had time .sorry but ill make up for it.
Have a wonderful weekend!