What movies should I watch stoned? Stoner films??

BUT are made in this millenium.
I am looking for "stoner" type films that'll make me laugh. Like, Your Highness or Pineapple Express or the Harold and Kumar films.
Because I was watching the Madea movies last night while stoned. And let me tell you, those are some bad-acting racist movies lol
Any stoner flicks you would like to suggest. Thanks!
If you have netflix i use it on my xbox they have a hole Stoner comedy section ...i just watch half baked then refer madness then the union which tought me on grows ops and some new info
May I ask why movies like Pineapple Express, Harold and Kumar are so highly rated among stoners? Personally, I find the comedy to be cringe and I sit there pulling a face like I've just eaten a sour as fuck lemon the entire time.

Personally, my type of stoner film is something really in depth with a great story and screenplay. I just prefer to keep my mind ticking and thinking than just chilling giggling my tits off.
if you can tolerate a foreign language film without subtitles, i highly recommend "zombie ass: toilet of the dead". it's a really horrible japanese horror movie and it's funny as hell. there's a scene where this kung fu chick uses her zombie-implanted flatulence to propel herself into the air and have an epic battle with these butthole snake things. there is wtf bursting from every seam.

i made a thread about it a few weeks ago showing the trailer and then Blue Wizard delivered with the full-length movie. as a stoner who appreciates raunchy humor and poop jokes , it was a dream come true for me.

if you can tolerate a foreign language film without subtitles, i highly recommend "zombie ass: toilet of the dead". it's a really horrible japanese horror movie and it's funny as hell. there's a scene where this kung fu chick uses her zombie-implanted flatulence to propel herself into the air and have an epic battle with these butthole snake things. there is wtf bursting from every seam.

i made a thread about it a few weeks ago showing the trailer and then Blue Wizard delivered with the full-length movie. as a stoner who appreciates raunchy humor and poop jokes , it was a dream come true for me.


There is an Australian zombie movie which has a similar thing to it. It's said to be the most gore filled movie of all time because of the scene with the lawnmower, which is hilarious.

Also the bit where his mum turns into a giant zombie and tries to "unbirth" him by sucking him up her vag... Quite the laugh.
I have a bunch of awesome movies to watch some freaky some just kool, Clockwork Orange is a freaky one, or Four Rooms (love that one), and Wizard of Oz is always a good one; but what u do is watch it on mute and play Dark Side of the moon, u start the music right when the Lion Roar's. It will trip u the fuck out how they made it to match the movie.
lock stock and two smoking barrels is a pretty good brit flick imo..

if you're into foreign films and don't mind subtitles, i love me some man bites dog, always a party fave of mine..
Grandmas boy
Puff, puff, pass
Dazed and confused
Knocked up
The big lebowski
Easy rider
Fast times at ridgemount high
The stoned age
Reefer madness
Bong water
Strange wilderness
Rolling Kansas
Smiley face
Evil bong
Super high me

Much more, but that was off the top of my head.. The rest other peeps have spoken of already
Random stoner movie=Stir Crazy(Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder)...its a classic comedy.....you young'uns thank me l8r:)