but it is legel there now...just grow and sell to anyone??Don't come to Colorado. Selling to dispensaries is not allowed in this state. They have to grow their own or buy from another dispensary.
bullshit...if you can earn a living doing it whats wrong with that?this is a bad topic to be interested in. its all about the plant not the profit
i do make a legal living from mmj. i run a facility in colorado. nothings bad about it but im not a profit mongoring dollar chasing over zealous green rush chaser. this is about medicine first i dont care if its legal for recreation. oh and check the facts. bill isnt in effect till jan 6.
You got yours so fuck everyone else. I mean as long as we maintain the status quo your business is safe but if we add some competition you might have to work for a living...i do make a legal living from mmj. i run a facility in colorado. nothings bad about it but im not a profit mongoring dollar chasing over zealous green rush chaser. this is about medicine first i dont care if its legal for recreation. oh and check the facts. bill isnt in effect till jan 6.
Here in Michigan the MJ card thing has been going for a couple years. The papers are full of MDs advertising
to help you get a MJ card for $150. I think it is more wide open here than just about anywhere I'm aware of.
In fact, I am looking into supplying dispensaries with clones myself.
Good luck, BigSteve.