My first attitude order-siezed

That Sucks... But, in all fairness. The U.S. Customs are doing their job.
You knew the risk.
Maybe, Attitude will re ship.
That is strange green customs tape and no letter from Homeland Security. When my shipment got seized years ago I got the gifts from Nirvana and a letter. And surprisingly enough it was nabbed at Ohara in Chicago.
Sea of Seedss. Cheaper seeds, cheaper shipping by far and stealth is great. PLEASE - do not tell how if you have received from them. All the recommendations to get the mug and t-shirt from Attitude is a heads up.
I recieved an email response today, saying sorry to her about your package we will resend your order. So far great customer service from the tude!
I recieved an email response today, saying sorry to her about your package we will resend your order. So far great customer service from the tude!

Awesome to hear that they are taking care of you.
I have had 4 out of 8 orders that went through Chicago confiscated. I even called them one time and played dumb and asked what was taken. A lady put me on hold and went to get the hard copy of the paperwork that they sent me a copy of when they took my seeds... she told me "Mr. C, you better change your ways". So yes they do keep records at customs of confiscated contraband.
Fuck Chicago ISC!!!
That's what I thought: CHITOWN customs are more strict. Maybe it's best to wait till shipments return via NYC.
That's what I thought: CHITOWN customs are more strict. Maybe it's best to wait till shipments return via NYC.

yah, i've said this in the past as well.. i have seen more threads about gear getting popped coming through chicago then i have through nyc... just makes me glad i live on the east coast although i have had one order out of like 100 or so snagged in nyc...

the whole no customs letter kind of had me fucked up at first, and i also have never seen that odd ass green tape before.. like i said earlier, my one snagged package had been stapled shut and had the lovely keepsake letter right inside of my package...
That really sucks to hear. I just got my seeds from attitude today, I bought a t shirt as well. order was processed through Chicago ISC. Hopefully your next package makes it.
same shit happened to me, i ordered on the 3rd it hit chicago on the 8th, got my package on the 23rd with the customs tape, got the tshirt but no beans. i sent them pics of the package and they re shipped my order. it just hit isc chicago again today so ill see if they snag this one also.
My friend's order from attitude, came thru Chicago,with green tape, no letter, beans missing but the cheap fruit of looms t-shirt in the package. Contacted attitude and they are resending. What happens if this happens the second time? will attitude send a third time? This just happened last week. Someone is catching on to attitude.
just out of curiousity, did you order with the "Stealth Shipping" option.

Also, I hope attitude will re-send the order for you
Glad mine didn't get snagged. Got mine through Chicago right after sandy and I could hear them clanking around in the envelope when I shook it. Makes me hesitant to order again because if they have caught on to attitudes "stealth packaging" the amount of packages that make it through will decrease substantially.
Yes stealth packaging, attitude requested pictures, afterwards they emailed my friend and they're reshipping. Like was said eariler,no letter from customs, just green customs tape, and small white british customs sticker. Good thing he went stealth, but sounds like attitudes stealth shipping is getting old or chicago is just a tough place to get thru. i guess consider yourself lucky. I''m sure they're aware of the xtra packages destine for New York is coming thru, and attitudes stealth isn't truly stealth. Thats my opinon,its very poor. but I or we get it because of the replacement of beans if consfiscated.
Again, do not reveal any stealth methods used by any seed bank or breeder. Please. The t-shirt and Altoids tin thing at Attitude is so well known it's starting to sound useless.
They're doing a great job "protecting" the borders from those dangerous seeds.

They need to protect the border so that we cannot grow our own bud, so that the international growers in South America and the Middle East continue to live under violent conditions due to the demand of marijuana from us. Therefore the Government can say "We have to go and protect these people because they cannot protect themselves".
Decriminalize marijuana and stop war! :hump:
Received my package today safe and sound, it was packaged differently this time, so maybe attitude is trying to change things up. Though I do not care to share the differences. I would have to say my first experience with attitude were great. Although I did have problems, that were not attitudes fault, they handled perfectly, great customer service! I will remain a loyal customer.