Whats inconvenient for you? Serious question.


Well-Known Member
What annoys you? whats something inconvenient you deal alot, that makes you mad or frustrated?
I want to hear it. Go!
pumping my own gas...
soccer mom's in porsches
doing things twice
people doing under the speed limit in the left hand lane
annoyingly drunk people when i'm sober
huge crowds, especially huge crowds of drunk people scare the poo out of me..
#1 Other people on the road
#2 Not being able to smoke my herb where I want
#3 Getting BitCoins
#4 Brushing my teeth a night when i'm already in bed tired as hell
Soo much more but these are the top 4 I could think of
people who want to hear about it.....

but seriously, right now, its the fact that this toothache is buggn the shit outta me, and i used to much orajel, now half my mouth is numb, and im drooling on myself...
Cold sweats. Seriously, dafuq is with this shit? I sweat more when it's cold than when it's hot. Annoying as fuuuuuck.

"the war on Christmas", specifically Fox News' coverage of it. I want to firebomb Fox studios.

Flossing. Ain't nobody got time for dat!.gif

Drug tests

i lack patience so everything is inconvenient to me.

...... seriously... :p

Drug tests

#1 Other people on the road
#2 Not being able to smoke my herb where I want
#3 Getting BitCoins
#4 Brushing my teeth a night when i'm already in bed tired as hell
Soo much more but these are the top 4 I could think of

What are "bitcoins"? Are they like butt raisins?