Newest leaves yellowing at the base. Help ID issue. Pictures included


Active Member
So there is a Afghan Kush plant growing in a 5 gallon black DWC using GH Flora series of nutes at 3/4s strength. It is about 4 weeks into Veg. The base of the newest leaves are turning yellow any ideas the issue? here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure exactly what that yellowing is, but they look borderline overfed with nitrogen. The leaves look very dark. If it were me, I would back off to maybe 2/3 strength. I don't run hydro, but that's what I would do if they were mine.


Active Member
Ya i am guessing issue with the nitrogen, im thinking maybe the ferts have lost some of there strength cuz they are like a year old but i am just gonna let it go a few more days and if any thing progresses negatively ill do something


Well-Known Member
Definitely too much nitrogen. You can tell by the burnt tips and dark color. The new leaves are yellow because the plant is growing faster than normal, probably due to the excess N. They eventually turn green. Cut down on the feeding.

A little bit of yellowing is fine like on the newest growth, not big fan leaves, like mine which have some yellow tops due to it being the start of flower and the growth spurt:
Day 6 of flower.jpg

This is the normal color in veg:


Active Member
Sorry et133et don’t want to jack your post. But also having a similar problem.

Picture taken after 54 hour dark period, second day under 12/12 600w HPS. Been veg under 18/6 400w MH for 6.5 weeks.

Soil - Roots Organic
Nutes - Really diluted Fox Farms trio
Humidity - 45% avg
Temp - 77° avg

The water’s PH is a bit high using regular tap water.

Is this also N deficiency ? " PICTURE TAKEN UNDER HPS "



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure exactly what that yellowing is, but they look borderline overfed with nitrogen. The leaves look very dark. If it were me, I would back off to maybe 2/3 strength. I don't run hydro, but that's what I would do if they were mine.
What he said