any experiences with sensi seeds ? what's your favourite strain ? likes - dislikes


I've started a new run about 7 weeks ago with sensi seeds. My strains are: Jack herer, Nl x Haze #5, Purple Haze, Jack Flash #5, Pure Power Plant, G13 x Hash Plant, White Ice.

All seeds germinated and grown healthy strong plants. Next week i'll start flowering. Allready looking forward to it and hope it'll turn out as good as it started.

Does anyone have experiences with sensi seeds? If so, how was your germination rate. what's your favourite strain and which one is not faourable at all. Share your likes and dislikes with me.

PS: Pls don't mind my english. Im no native.
their NL is overpriced compared to the competition, similar quality despite that.
Their Jack herer is top notch sativa and the original.
Hindu kush is overall an average smoke although you can get a nice pheno in a 10 pack.
Their Super Skunk us one of my fave's. very strong smell and good yields, buds are very packed and dense and potent.
Shiva Shanti and Shiva Shanti 2 were really good at one point, grew them over a year ago and the quality seems to have gone down.
Shiva Skunk is somewhat unstable these days, i didn't get any herms except on one plant that grew a few bananas, i got them before they they burst so no seeds. there is a sick 9-10 week pheno that has a strong garlic/hashy smell to it that packs on weight and is very potent, if you can get that pheno you are in the clear. great smoke.

you have grown mostly sativa's while i've mostly grown their indica offerings, personally i haven't grown their jack herer but my bro did and its harder to grow indoors as some phenotypes keep stretching and flowering for around 13 weeks. you can get faster more IBL jack's these days like C99.
hi omgwtfbbq indicaman,

thx for your answer! You're absolutely right. They are overpriced. But still i hope it's worth it. Especially the jack herer is often praised as a top notch plant as you already mentioned. I don't worry so much for the stretch since i got enough heightspace. I just hope i get the full potential out of her. So i can say afterwards it was worth the high price.

I also read about the the case that some strains are unstable. I was worried about that. But luckily i haven't witnessed it yet. Especially the nlx5# is super stable. All 5 seeds turned out exactly the same way. Very very bushy. I expect it to be some good yielding plant. But time will tell.

I'm also planning on purchasing new seeds. I was thinking about super skunk too. Well i think i will give it a try. i also thought about purchasing afghan kush and some other exotic stuff like marleys collie.
I bought Shiva shanti 2 years ago when they were 18 packs (well sold as 15 but never 15)
I found them plain and boreing.. Infact one to mention in that thread low thc strains.

But like om siad their inconsistent
NL5 x Haze feminized, haze dominant is my favorite all around to grow. No odor problems, easy to clone, lots of side branching and bud sites are more numerous than other strains.
I guess it really pissed you off... I wonder if they have a money back guarantee. I know greenhouse seeds do. Wish you good luck on your Black Dominas!

Only if you buy dirrect from GHS.
When my Bubba kush went male I contacted them and got a reply about vendors not selling true GHS so they dont do the Guarantee.

Who you going to complain to
Years ago WW & JH, should of kept the Jack pheno. It produced massive yields, everybody that smoked it loved it.:mrgreen:
I'm growing super skunk at the moment. Sensi seeds provide fem and reg seeds which is good. Some Co's just sell fem seeds. Also check out White Label , their affiliated company. It's on the website.
Only if you buy dirrect from GHS.
When my Bubba kush went male I contacted them and got a reply about vendors not selling true GHS so they dont do the Guarantee.

Good to know!

NL5 x Haze feminized, haze dominant is my favorite all around to grow. No odor problems, easy to clone, lots of side branching and bud sites are more numerous than other strains.

From all plants i got from sensi Nl5xhaze is by far the most stable one. Every seed developed the same phenotype this year and last year. That was a total of 15 seeds. It has a unique leaf shape that is easily recognizable whereas the others developed several phenotypes. And the branching of the nl5xhaze is insane. It gives my a lot of clones! i totaly share your opinion!

Also check out White Label , their affiliated company. It's on the website.

I already did. Their seeds are good as well. My purple haze is from White label and she's doing fine. Last year i've grown their white skunk. I think it was the cheapest strain they had. But the quality and the genetics of this plant was impressive. After only 2 weeks from seed they have grown like more than 1'' and after 3 weeks there was a little jungle whereas all the expensive seeds were not nearly as fast.

I also realized that growing good plants from seeds also depends a bit on luck. Last year i had 10 g13 x Hashplant seeds. All of them germinated. The growth speed of nine of them was average but one seed was very special. Within two weeks it developed leaves that could cover my whole face and after 4 weeks it was a 6'' tree in a 18l pot with soil. It was astonishing. This year i also bought those seeds but unfortunately no monsterplant this time :(
O yer Tutankamoon from Pyramid seed was my second biggest loss ever.
The Pheno I ad was massive yields and one hell of a massive punch.
I forgot to sort a cut of her on my last crop
according to the kids on this site .... if you're promoting a company like Sensi and not someone like subby're living in the past, your late to the party ..heheh .

I've never grown but am a huge fan of most grows i've seen. If i had to pick anything from their list ..the first i would go with is the Maple Leaf Indica, or G13 X Hashplant, and of course ERSB, Super Skunk and Early Pearl.... too many to list that i want to see perform i said especially the MLI
according to the kids on this site .... if you're promoting a company like Sensi and not someone like subby're living in the past, your late to the party ..heheh .

I've never grown but am a huge fan of most grows i've seen. If i had to pick anything from their list ..the first i would go with is the Maple Leaf Indica, or G13 X Hashplant, and of course ERSB, Super Skunk and Early Pearl.... too many to list that i want to see perform i said especially the MLI
MLI is on my list, tell me more about it. :mrgreen:
MLI is on my list, tell me more about it. :mrgreen:

I just threw an MLI into flower last week. I started four beans, two males, two females. One female was a real ugly runt, and after around a month of veg it was just going nowhere so I culled it. The other female is an extremely vigorous and healthy looking example of an indica hash plant, and could be a real rockstar.

as with many solid indica genetics, expect a long veg time to get decent yields
Last I heard Sensi don't even want to know if you sprouted them. THEY ARE FOR COLLECTING! Oh and that the most expensive pack I have ever bought!

I guess it really pissed you off... I wonder if they have a money back guarantee. I know greenhouse seeds do. Wish you good luck on your Black Dominas!
Most of the strains subby uses are decendants of the old school strains (like sensi). I have not been overly impressed with any of his strains so far, not trying any more. I do occasionally like to look up that video where sub is working in his garden and falls and fucks himself up, thats some good shit!

according to the kids on this site .... if you're promoting a company like Sensi and not someone like subby're living in the past, your late to the party ..heheh .

I've never grown but am a huge fan of most grows i've seen. If i had to pick anything from their list ..the first i would go with is the Maple Leaf Indica, or G13 X Hashplant, and of course ERSB, Super Skunk and Early Pearl.... too many to list that i want to see perform i said especially the MLI
Most of the strains subby uses are decendants of the old school strains (like sensi). I have not been overly impressed with any of his strains so far, not trying any more. I do occasionally like to look up that video where sub is working in his garden and falls and fucks himself up, thats some good shit!

Well, that's not really fair, sub's strains are such a big mix of multiple F1 hybrids that almost every breeder who made seeds in the 90s has some genetics in subcool's strains. I have only grown freebies from TGA, but out of 3 females I ended up with 1 decent keeper (which is Chernobyl, and apparently that's not one of Sub's strains) 1 decent plant that I might order a pack of to dive into (Dairy Queen) and one crap plant (also dairy queen). However, any parents can have a retarded kid. Regardless, the quality of sub's work is a reflection on Sub, not on the other breeders he uded. Many, many breeders have done amazing work with old sensi strains, and I have grown Durban and ERSB from them in the past decade and both were better than the TGA I grew. Sub's strains seem to have a lot of potential, but it seems a little too much like a slot machine to me.
MLI is on my list, tell me more about it. :mrgreen:

Very relaxing high never any noids. I have gotten pretty much all healthy big yielding phenos with little variation.

The high may seem weak to some as it is not a overpowering high or has an initial rush. This is what i like though.