Steps on how to cook crack up on the stove?

This may sound crazy... but i prefer smoking it because it does not last as long...
when i do lines... 8 hours later i am feeling tense and amped.... after smoking, i can go to sleep after just a few hours.

The amped feeling does not outlast the euphoria by 6 hours, for me, like lines do.

i can control the urge to hit it again and again though... if you can't... don't smoke it.

There is a difference between smoking a little coke now and then and being a crackhead. Many people do not know that.

idk how anyone could control the urge to hit that glass dick again honestly.. i remember the first time i smoked it, and i can admit i was a fiend right from that hit..
Never smoked crack nor do I plan on it. Have sniffed some damn good coke before and that was hard enought to not go back to line #3. Can't imagine about crack...
Make sure when you inject it: Jam it in your temple
Only good coke is in columbia before they butcher it up for the people in the states
Main reason I never tried it: Dealers of Cocaine always fuck you with cut up stuff(not from exp>many many friends exp.)
I don't need to get ripped off to know it happens almost every time nowadays.
If it doesn't look crystallized its probably cut up to shizzle
Make sure when you inject it: Jam it in your temple
Only good coke is in columbia before they butcher it up for the people in the states

this is so not true.. people like to think that you can only get good blow if you live in columbia or another south american country, but truth be told, there is plenty of uncut coke to be found in the us if you have the right connects and don't buy if off a street corner in the hood..
Good Luck finding those people or staying alive for very long around them
I've never gone to a street corner for anything and every1 I know says there hasn't been pure around my area for over 10 years.
Even when I was offered "pure", I still didn't buy because you can just look at it and if it doesn't have pure crystallization. noty
I don't like snorting anything let alone a load of cut
idk how anyone could control the urge to hit that glass dick again honestly.. i remember the first time i smoked it, and i can admit i was a fiend right from that hit..
I smoked and snorted like a fiend in my younger years... i went through 10k over maybe 3 months one winter.. (midwest prices and some sharing)

I don't know. i just take it easy and it treats me well in the end. I still eat that night and as long as I quit by 8 pm, i sleep really well.
I do drink a bit of whiskey water with it though.
I don't do it real often. btw. I wouldn't want the RIU community to think I'm a crackhead.
I just like to keep a piece of my youth with me. It's a nice way to unload the work week. VERY quickly... haha.
Honestly if I could find the stuff near the source I'd prolly give it a try because I would know no1fucked with it yet