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You imply incorrectly. Quit over-exaggerating on my terms. Your condescending tone does not rattle me.

Everything- money, cars, houses, educated, kids, great non cheating hard working husband.

nothing- poor, welfare, renting, non educated, kids, hard working non cheating husband.

If it is so hard for you to understand, i guess you are one with everything

Everything- Love, Loyalty, honesty, patience, kindness, understanding, maturity, respect, passion, compassion, empathy, potential

Nothing- Liar, cheater, manipulator, selfish, irresponsible, disrespectful, conceited, narrow minded/arrogant

The condescension is earned. As I imply nothing, indeed, I drew inference from, and asked you to clarify, what was originally implied. I can imply nothing on a statement you make. Im not exaggerating anything, I simply copied, pasted, and asked for clarification. For example- why do you include "kids" in both having "everything" and having "nothing"?

You left out what "everything a wife is." to you... Im still curious about that.

Please concede you were mistaken in the original point I refuted, concede that you contradicted your point yourself in being argumentative.

I seek to learn from your perspective anything I can. If you would have legitimate info or perspective that may change my position on my points-

1- that being a good wife is a choice and
2- that being a good wife requires understanding what it is to be a good wife for any given individual husband...
Me! Hey it's cool kuroi!
i appreciate the skill involved, shit! Some tattoo artists are amazing!
i just don't like them!
and on women I hate them.
womens bodies are beautiful!
they don't need some ugly inking ruining that!
peace! Each to their own!
Who are you talking to

Kenny ken

He claims that his talk of tattooed women being gangbangers and such so simply what producers state, but it appears clear he made the statement for a personal reason, despite claiming its simply the producers comments, else there was absolutely no need to state what he stated, but he felt the need to do so..
Kenny ken

He claims that his talk of tattooed women being gangbangers and such so simply what producers state, but it appears clear he made the statement for a personal reason, despite claiming its simply the producers comments, else there was absolutely no need to state what he stated, but he felt the need to do so..

He got burned/hurt by a girl with tattoos... perhaps cheated on or something of the sort... would be my guess... as I have similar experience he "may" relate to (idk)

I kind of get what he is saying in terms of women being beautiful without tattoos and sometimes getting one here or there or of certain things is unattractive. At the same time... some tattoos in certain places are Sexy as hell!!
Still sounds contradictory. Amazing... I dont like them. Fair enough. Some people are grosse out by the idea of needles, skin and ink. But it's just the fact if it is on a woman even the most stunning art is made ugly.. But I understand not wanting to spoil perfect, beautiful skin. It's just it all sounded extreme and scathing, but I'll leave it there. We've all gone off-topic.

Where's this girl? I found the girl in the DarthVader mask photoshoooot absolutely mesmerising. Stunning girl.
I have no idea???
I don't like tattoo's!!! Not an idea! FACT!!!
and on women too! NO!!
if you read my post,I said, "producers/manipulators in the San Fernando valley!
i'm sure they know by experience!
hell watch the majority of degrading porn and you will see!

jimmy! Back to Jamestown with you! AHAHAHA!
I haven't a clue! Pfft!
as was previously stated!
Tramp stamps..... AHAHAHAHA!!!
ahh! *sniff*
*wipe away tears*


You know u wanna don't you? Guinness world record holder most tattooed senior women. She's a nutter!

Tattoos are a personal decision. I know teachers who work in public schools with full sleeves and they're women!! Where I live piercings and tattoos are commonplace and have really changed over the years. However, there have been some ugly examples of Indian ink homemade prison tattoos on women and also men. I hate the resemblance of the teardrop tattoo but others can look great. My friend has a huge pink panther on her back and I like it on her, not on me tho!
We're cool, we're cool... I am kinky but bukkake? Lolno

That perfect skin may be tatted up but only if I run it by you and my mother first, hun. Something pretty, something timeless, something classy. I want 1 Peter 4:8 on the sleeve I designed myself. Cherry blossoms.. A delicate typeface.

Somebtattos can be downright disgusting and make me think WHY THE FUcK DO YOu WANT THE WORLD TO SEE THAT SHIT ON YOU??! But like erotica, tattos can be classy... If done right and with the right vision/heart.
I spent too many years inside prison. Tattoo's only mean 1 thing to me!

Oh yeah, Octomom is up for a Porn Oscar, for her adult film debut.
Oh my god, really?? But what about her kids XP she probably feels a little unattractive with all those stretch marks but doesn't have to go worldwide lol. But yeah, Imma be careful about the judging. Please hit me lol.
Omg 14 kids have passed through her Vag! That thing has to be a mess, it probably looks like a carne asada factory!
Um, I feel a bit weird for the kids... Could have taken a couple classy nudes rather than porn porn... And I don't like The look of the rest of her... But whatever prejudice... I cannot deny those are some tits to be proud of.