Busted 4 days after 420


Well-Known Member
Glad you are keeping your spirits up firebrand. How are the gf and little one doing? Hang in there it will get better.
Peace and good wishes.


Well-Known Member
How come your video of your plants/grow room before the shit hit the fan is different from the video footage that the news took?


Well-Known Member
dude that photo says it all. should print it out and put it on the doorstep of the person i think it was. the video i took was of my gf's bathroom were it was at during the whole 4.5 months. the cops took everything out of that room and took it to the local department on carts and in bags and took pictures of it. than the local news fucks went their and video taped it. i guarantee most of the local police force around here are weedheads and guarantee the news people are too. i also guarantee most of them had the thought of '' damn wish i could take one or two of these plants home''


Well-Known Member
I am a dudett
I read this when YOU first posted... thought about it every since...
did not want to sound like a holly roller yet some things just rather speak for them selfs.
how are you and yours doing?
can the normal in your area set up a defence fund people can in safty contribute to
to assist with family needs?


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, had to ask though. It makes sense that the footage of the news crew would be different, now that I think about it.
My brother about a year ago got busted with 12 plants. They were only 2 months old and none were even budding.
He and his girlfriend got into a fight and my brother ended up smacking her, which she ended up calling the cops. The cops came and entered the house which turned the house into a crime scene. The cops then searched the house and found my brothers plants in his bedroom closet.
Both my brother and his girlfriend were arrested. Good thing my brother had good credit. He was able finance himself a terrific lawyer. All the charges were dropped to a misdemeanor and was put on 1 year probation.

The funny thing is. He's the biggest pothead I know, he's been busted with possesion at least 3 times. All the times he's been busted he's never been convicted for a felony or anything major.

The really big funny thing is: He's in his last year of law school.


Active Member
yea this vietnamese ring was huge, ive been hearing about this bust all the way out here in hawaii. I happen to know a vietnamese guy who was living here geting major, and i mean major weight weekly from these dudes in the mainland, then about 3 weeks ago or so it suddenly stopped, what a coincidence. i wonder how they were connected to the uk as said in a previous post?


Well-Known Member
There a lot of Viets here growing shite M39. Every now and then they go down. They were doing the same thing here, set up a hydro shop as a front. I suppose so they got wholesale prices on their supplies...??? It would seem to me that any other business would be a better front though...


New Member
There a lot of Viets here growing shite M39. Every now and then they go down. They were doing the same thing here, set up a hydro shop as a front. I suppose so they got wholesale prices on their supplies...??? It would seem to me that any other business would be a better front though...
your not the only one that thinks that would be a dumb front.


Well-Known Member
how did i get out of prison? i wasnt in prison , here its county jail if your doin anything under a year. i got bailed out by my granny for 2500.00 which is 250 bucks bondable.. like that guy said here in WA state they use the point system. 1 felony=1 point , 1 mideamenor =.5 points. they sentence you based on that. damn i bet those vietnamese had it on lockdown for awhile, wonder how they shipped it overseas to hawaii?


Well-Known Member
Larry was just happy to be on tv... I dont think he was the guy who called in the tip but he sure was quick to turn on yah when the cameras were on...
I hate this shit, it makes me sick to my stomach :spew:to criminalize someone for growing plants that make you happy and overeat... And the media made it out to be a travesty having an infant around, give me a fuckin break, they make it sound like he was shot gunning hits to the kid.

It makes me just want to give up on growing, all the risk...Maybe its worth overpaying for weed from my dealer....


Well-Known Member
your last setence was exactly why i started. sick of the 300 buck oz's. the baby was never around the plants or smoke . always had air freshners. stocked up on FEBREEZE, had a 500 dollar air purifier, and a bathroom fan with carbon over it on top of a homemade carbon scrubber i made with fabric softner sheets and carbon filters which wed all blow the smoke into. i might just say that in court. my girlfreinds grandma fuckin tripped shes like ''maybe thats why the baby got pneumonia'' cuz the baby got a mild pneumonia spell but that was 3 months before i started . im like are you fucking kidding me. i love how the media and people try to associate and put blame on shit. hence the graNdma statement. my grandma however is all cool with shit


Active Member
yea they were going good for a couple years, not no more. the towns they live in are experiencing excessive drought, thats a good way to put it. firebrand, if you want to move to a safe place for growing,think of hawaii as an option. big island to be more specific. canada is also a great place but then you need to deal with geting into the country with your prior offenses.


Well-Known Member
what are the laws in hawaii about growin herb? possesion? one time i went to canada to go to whistler to snowboard n i had to pay 200 bucks to get into the country for 3 days permit pass. i swear money has an influence on everything. what if i was a felon tryin to get into cananda to murder someone, id only have to pay 200 bucks to get in there and out. fuckin ridiculous. how much are houses in hawaii? my gf wants to move there. but how would i get all my possesions over there? whats a good spot to live in hawaii where i could grow?


Well-Known Member
what are the laws in hawaii about growin herb? possesion? one time i went to canada to go to whistler to snowboard n i had to pay 200 bucks to get into the country for 3 days permit pass. i swear money has an influence on everything. what if i was a felon tryin to get into cananda to murder someone, id only have to pay 200 bucks to get in there and out. fuckin ridiculous. how much are houses in hawaii? my gf wants to move there. but how would i get all my possesions over there? whats a good spot to live in hawaii where i could grow?
Living in Hawaii would be cool, but everything over there is really expensive. There's not really a middle class, you're either really rich or dirt poor. Most of the jobs don't counter act the price of living either like most places in the states. At least this is everything I gathered from spending a couple weeks there.

One cool thing I liked about it was the fact that McDonald's served rice with their breakfast meals. And Portuguese sausage..

I don't think most people bring stuff to Hawaii. They take their car and leave everything else behind. I think it's pretty expensive to have things shipped over there.


Well-Known Member
id leave the car and ship a motorcycle. its islands how much driving gonna be doing. and a few cheap glass bongs *new* for all the growin ull be doing.