Fin's at it again

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one more cuzz this thread already fucked up.... philly is fucked up but cant match our murder rate.. nor l.a. [youtube]IrbV9-o0v9A[/youtube]
one more cuzz this thread already fucked up.... philly is fucked up but cant match our murder rate.. nor l.a. [youtube]IrbV9-o0v9A[/youtube]
Argh! Shit! I can't watch it, it's been disabled
wtf was it, the black hand gang ??
running the numbers and pimping hoes!,
reminds me of the film the wanderer
different turf, different gangs, display your colours bro or you'll be lying in chalk!
lol!! wtf was that? that ain't hood, that's ridiculous

:lol: Goulds ain't hood? Goulds (Where I lived) is the hood where they take your car, and shoot you in the head for being at their gas station smelling like good weed :dunce: [video=youtube;bvJslOffrEw][/video]
Why are you trying to prove that your "hood" is badass? It clearly isn't. People will respect you more if you don't try to represent yourself as something you are not. And the area you live looks pretty tame by most standards of "bad areas"
People will respect you more if you don't try to represent yourself as something you are not. And the area you live looks pretty tame by most standards of "bad areas"
:lol: So now posting videos that I made of where I live is me trying to pretend I'm something I'm not :lol: Do you know how stupid you sound? :lol: And "looks tame" :lol: did you notice 2/3 of the videos I posted were reporting MURDERS and they're MY videos :lol: You're slow :lol:
It just seems to me that you were posting those videos as a response to someone calling your "hood" lame or you post a couple videos of the suburbs to prove what, exactly? Or did you just decide that would be a good segway into showing us where you're from for the sake of 'getting to know you'?
and why are you complaining being called out for promoting your HOODness, when its obvious what you are trying to to portray your little po dunk town as hard

citing "murder videos" as evidence

fin tryhard, fin failure

and the world continues to turn
Or are you gonna come back with "He asked me about my hood, so I'm showing him, that's why I'm posting the videos, in response to his request."?
im sure he will, or a different completely dubious lie about, how hes not a shameless self promoter

I mean, I guess we're as guilty as fin, if not more so, for the 'popularity' of his threads. I don't really care, cause I don't take his game personally. He's definately free to do whatever he likes to promote his videos, to gain whatever he feels he's gaining from it. Great for entertainment purposes though, and that's what I primarily use RIU for these days anyway...So in my book, Fin's priceless.
fishy ur hood is soft as jello.... im from da chi... in particuler im from the north west side of chicago in a fucked up ass area known has humboldt park.... aka the 14th district... aint shit here but gangs on every block, drugs everywere... just a bunch of wild ass mother fucken puerto ricans... and i know yall got puerto ricans in florida too.. bt these ricans from da chi jo.... maaaaaan they be on sme goon shit....

fuck yo hood fishy!!!!! [youtube]vzWSKtK85oo[/youtube]
fishy ur hood is soft as jello.... im from da chi... in particuler im from the north west side of chicago in a fucked up ass area known has humboldt park.... aka the 14th district... aint shit here but gangs on every block, drugs everywere... just a bunch of wild ass mother fucken puerto ricans... and i know yall got puerto ricans in florida too.. bt these ricans from da chi jo.... maaaaaan they be on sme goon shit....

fuck yo hood fishy!!!!! [youtube]vzWSKtK85oo[/youtube]

I'm surprised that wasn't the first video you posted. Fucking twilight zone man.
And you're from Humboldt? I'm not too far, by Hermosa Park.
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