Fin's at it again

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Thanks for this thread Fins, learned alot. Gonna go grab some rice, ashes, pepsi bottle and dutch master. When do you make it back to the seedlings?
Not alfalfa, PHALARIS :dunce: I thought I told you to work on your vocabulary... I'm disappointed in your weak trolling. Work on my Google ranks, remember?!?!?! :D

Wouldnt it just be easier to order some bark? The return on phalaris is minimal

BTW why do you use a ladyboy as a avatar are you into that he/she stuff?
Thanks for this thread Fins, learned alot. Gonna go grab some rice, ashes, pepsi bottle and dutch master. When do you make it back to the seedlings?

You don't grab ashes, you make them yourself. And I get back to them sometime between tomorrow and like the 28th.
why not just grab some PRO mix . . . . .cheaper by volume then any of that

Because I have nutes. And I'd rather mix in my own (purchased, not literally MY) manure, so I know how much is in there... And I'm not worried about the price, it's dirt. If I was broke I would just use shit from outside or a friends house, but since I have money I'll just buy what I need when I need it :dunce:
Wouldnt it just be easier to order some bark? The return on phalaris is minimal

BTW why do you use a ladyboy as a avatar are you into that he/she stuff?

I'm not growing the Phalaris for drug use, it's just a friend for the weed plants during their veg. And to answer the "He/She" question, just go look up "FinShaggy Shiva"
I don't understand, you should put up a vid on how to make ashes fertilizer.....

I have a video on how to USE ashes as fertilizer, but I don't have enough ashes yet to literally make ashes fertilizer. I do want to do a Marijuana ash + Rabbit/Fish shit + Compost mix in a grow soon though.
Because I have nutes. And I'd rather mix in my own (purchased, not literally MY) manure, so I know how much is in there... And I'm not worried about the price, it's dirt. If I was broke I would just use shit from outside or a friends house, but since I have money I'll just buy what I need when I need it :dunce:

you are aware that raw shit has to cook for a year or two first, right? that manure should be used as a fertilizer outside, not inside, and should be rained or rinsed into the soil over the course of months, right? you can't just glop some manure on your indoor plant and call it a day.

well, i guess you can do that, but only the type of retard who would transplant 7 seeds into a cup of goddamn rice because they were too broke and impatient to afford a $4 bag of walmart dirt would do that.
you are aware that raw shit has to cook for a year or two first, right? that manure should be used as a fertilizer outside, not inside, and should be rained or rinsed into the soil over the course of months, right? you can't just glop some manure on your indoor plant and call it a day.

well, i guess you can do that, but only the type of retard who would transplant 7 seeds into a cup of goddamn rice because they were too broke and impatient to afford a $4 bag of walmart dirt would do that.
I would be mixing the manure with soil. Not "glopping" it on, OR letting it sink in. And I wasn't too broke or impatient to buy soil. I just didn't have any soil at the time. And if anything was impatient, it was the seedlings. Usually germination takes like 2-3 Days to even really get started. I had PALE ass seedlings after 3 days, and wasn't prepared. So I put them in rice to allow them some light. I could have just left them in the toilet paper, but that just wouldn't be as much fun.
You owe me 51 seconds of my life back

That is almost as retarded as buying phallaris to plant by your weed

1. I don't owe you anything :p 2. I didn't buy the seeds, I already had them 3. Planting a pre-grown phalaris by your plants would steal water. This just gives them a few buddies to grow up with :D :lol:
I would be mixing the manure with soil. Not "glopping" it on, OR letting it sink in.

there's a reason why indoor growers don't use manure. are you seriously this fucking dumb? i am not even trolling, this is indoor growing 101.

manure is for outdoor growing, and it is best to amend the soil with it about 6-8 months before growing season is at hand, right after you harvest, that way it gets rained in all winter.

And I wasn't too broke or impatient to buy soil. I just didn't have any soil at the time.

you either didn't have the money to buy the soil or the means for a ride to walmart, there would be no other reason to move those alfalfa sprouts to a cup of goddamn rice.

And if anything was impatient, it was the seedlings. Usually germination takes like 2-3 Days to even really get started. I had PALE ass seedlings after 3 days, and wasn't prepared. So I put them in rice to allow them some light. I could have just left them in the toilet paper, but that just wouldn't be as much fun.

3 days is plenty for seedling. putting 7 seedlings in a cup of goddamn rice for a day or two is just more trauma for those poor, abused little alfalfa sprouts.

i promise you those things are deader than nixon.
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