Most Underrated Breeders

Grew mental floss last summer....some super dank shit...tight frosted buds...most turned purple,the green pheno was good too....above average yield ...only complaint is smoke is a lil harsh...even after a ten day dry three week cure ....
Cant even go to Mr Nice without Bluntmassa bashin on Sub. Holy shit man give us a break. What did the guy do fuck your mom?

he crossed everything in site with c99 x, but for real subcool is the deffinition of a pollen chucker he may be the most popular pollen chucker but still a pollen chucker. you may even get great weed from his shit but is it really any better then c99, romulan and all the clone only's and f1's he crosses with? of course you'll get some good shit but is it really worth paying ak-47 prices for somthing I could have bred myself everything the dudes got costs the same price as ak-47. thats why I go to breeders for my seeds I want somthing that took years to make not somthing from a guy with a few males that just crosses them to clone only's and calls it a strain then charges top dollar. not to mention the guy basically said hes better then dj short how a closet breeder can ever think that is just retarded. DJ's done a whole lot more for the cannabis gene pool than subcool can even imagine.

why you so butt hurt about me not likeing subfool and his subpar genetics I'm only one guy but then again I'm far from the only one who don't care for tga. must be butt hurt cause of your corny avatar. lol, :bigjoint:
You and Hazey make a cute couple
Thing is you have never grown his stuff but go on and on about Subfool the pollen chucker blah blah. Did Sub kick some super soil in your face or something cause what you got goin on is obsessive behaviour. Every post dude? I recommend counselling.
Now sit down here on this leather sofa, smoke a big fattie, and tell us all the real truth. Why are you really mad at at Subfool? I think its a man crush thing
Doobius I got to agree with bluntmassa1 on this. I have been growing 12 years and have grown a shitload of different stuff including a bunch of different strains of subcools and I have to say he is a pollen chucker. A well known pollen chucker but still a pollen chucker. He got well known for his soil not his seeds and I think that is even sub par it is way too hot of a mix. The breeder who I wish was still around and think is under rated is Breeder Steve from Spice of Life. He has been gone from the scene for awhile now but a lot of stuff coming out still can't hold a flame to some of the stuff he bred.
No doubt about it, Subcool may have some fire "strains" if you can call abunch of F1s strains. Personally I would just call them crosses.
People accidently make crosses like Subcool's regularly, they just dont slap a name on it and market it.
i agree he is a pollen chucker but he still has fire seeds. Dont be mad just be aware of who your dealing with.

Yeah, but the problem with pollen chuckers is that you have to dig through seeds to find the keeper. I have not tried everything he offers but i have tried a bit and I don't really classify his gear (so far) as being elite (or "fire"), but that's just personal preference.

I have nothing against Subcool personally (Hell, I have never even met the guy), I just call it like I see it. He seems to be a good soil grower, and has a good grasp of growing in general but I don't think that he is the end all be all like some of his weed nerd minions do. I think his true talent lies in marketing himself.
I remember reading about Breeder Steve killing more plants in one year than most of us have ever grown. Heard stories about Breeder Steve starting thousands of seeds looking for that desired trait. Amazing if you ask me. I said thousands of plants, thats a breeder! Not like now days where anyone with a tent in their house is considered a breeder. For sheer #'s of plants started- Breeder Steve may never be equaled.
Whatever happened to getting what ya pay for?Black%20Grape%20%20(1).JPGlike this killer ass stupor inducing lovliness?
i want skunk munkie making and pasing all laws and legislation! lol!
steve also used djs gear. great breeder in comparison and LUI from red. djs the most underated esp for superb males
I think his true talent lies in marketing himself.

for real you watch the weed nerd and some of his threads especially the one about blueberry fucking guy acts like his shits the only thing worth buying. you watch the weed nerd the only time he mentions another strain is to say how much better his are. I stoped watching that shit a long time ago every episode is like a tga, but his fan boys believe every word he say's like its the words of god himself. but I aint mad about it dudes a millionaire that started with an 8x8 grow tent one decent male and a few clone only and f1 females and a mouth if anything I'm impressed dudes a millionaire for talking like his shit don't stink even got fans buying shirts, jars, mugs even pre-mixed super soil guys one hell of a promoter thats for sure. but the way I see it the guys the biggest bull shitter in the buisness you fan boy's can disagree all you like but I know a sales man when I see one.:bigjoint:
I just want to know why you are on Subs back in every post on every forum I go to? There are plenty of crap breeders. Never hear a word from you about Greenhouse or Dinafem ripping off their strains. Nothing about the dozen other polyhybrid breeders. Just Sub wah wah wah. I dont disagree with you. I just want to know why you are obsessed with this when you havent even grow his stuff?
What this site could use is more people who know and grow and give real grow experience and less people like newbie bluntmassa who 'heard' or 'read' it somewhere and feels the need to tell us over and over. The guy has hundreds of posts all bashing tga and I want to know the real reason. I am running gear from 8 breeders and am nobodys fanboy
c'mon man tell us the real reason why your mad at Sub?
Subcool? Looks like He's taking up Vic High's place in the universe.

You all remember Vic don't you, Breeder Steve hated him, and since DJ and Steve decided to hook up. DJ by proxy hated Vic also. And now the hate has been transfered to Subby.
The whole deal seemed somewhat Odd. I talked to Steve a couple of times, and he seemed like a nice fella. Invited me to stop by his Villa in europe... I'm not for sure why he hated Vic so. Maybe it was because Vic has taken DJ Short's blueberry, bred it. And then started selling his own verison of Blueberry. Which Vic, and a number of other people said was better then DJ's version.

So, if you believe the DJ Short version of Blueberry. It is a F6 which mean it has been bred foward for a number of generations, to acheive a stable strain.

And here's my fun "Who was Vic High" video :)

The Vic High version, was that Vic, took a 10 pack of DJ's Blueberry, found one male in the 10 pack. And with that, he made something bettter. Which really shouldn't be possible, if the Blueberry strain is stable. And certainly not from a low number selection of 10 plants, which Vic said was how it happened.
ya vic says lots of stupid stuff but to take dj's work and be amazed by the outcome and call dj a idiot is typical vicky. anyone can take a legends work and make nice crosses esp. dj males. least guys like steve give high respect eh
So what do you guys think about Emerald Triangle? I grew Lost Coast OG and Grapefruit Krush last year and they incredible. Lost Coast OG ended up being a 7' monster with rock hard nugs and side branching like you couldn't believe. Grapefruit Krush got damaged bad early in flower by a deer or something, but it recovered to be some of the finest, sweetest smoke I've ever grown. From what I've seen, ET has some serious potential. Both were from fem seeds. I've seen a few reports of some hermies with their fems, but I didn't see a male flower on either. I'm going to try to find some pics, but the pics don't do either of them any justice.
Forgot to mention, I was so impressed with Emerald Triangle that I bought another pack of Grapefruit Krush, along with a pack of Mastadon Kush. Still have a few more Lost Coast OG beans and a pack of Super Sour OG. Also have a single freebie Emerald Jack and Trinity Kush. All fem.

2013 might be an all, or mostly, ET season. :blsmoke:

I have so many gaddamn beans I don't even know where to begin. I have Attitude freebies from like 4 years ago still. Have some DNA/Reserva Privada beans from a promo last fall. Beans from Paradise, G13, and Kannabia from 2011. Some freebies from Dutch Passion from I think from 2010. A pack of Sensi Super Skunk from last year. A few other randon strains from GHS, Sagarmatha, and Dinafem. Most importanly, 15 reg seeds EACH from 5 different outdoor strains a friend of mine bred and gave to me! I'm not ever sure where to begin.
I'm not sure how they got on my FB page but this company called "New House seeds" looks like some good gear but I guess its really dificult to find.
TGA fanboy's? i really love their jack's cleaner 2, not because of any hype to which i'm pretty much immune as i'm a do my own thing and go against the flow kinda person in general, but because it was the best high i've had since the 80s even with the heavier than i like stone. so then what's the opposite of fanboy? hateboy? there's a few people that really seem to hate on them when so many love almost every strain in their line. maybe they're a little overrated or at least overpopular as many breeders have great gear, but some of that reputation is deserved. i only had the reputation to go by when i rolled the dice on that strain because the name of it's jack the ripper sibling i know i'd love to smoke goes against my belief system.

no matter what breeder is out there, someone's gonna hate for some reason or another.