Well-Known Member
So, I may or may not have the ability to take LSA at any time, on a moments notice. I'm just not sure of the effects... On the internet everyone either has REALLY bad experiences, or REALLY good experiences. And while the good experience lack any real detail, other than "It was very euphoric" and "Similar to LSD", the BAD reports are pretty graphic in that there is TONS of stomach discomfort (but that only happens with seeds from the store I think, and this isn't from seeds from the store), headaches, and nausea like a motherfucker. So I want to know if anyone here has tried Morning Glory, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, or LSA itself. And I also want to know what happens when you smoke an extract, and what amount was smoked to bring on what effects. Once I get enough info from ya'll and other online sources to feel comfortable, I will make another thread to be a "trip report" of my own.