FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
(Click my sig for the page with the most recent update... But you have to change your general setting to view threads at 40 posts per page though) My original grow thread for these plants got kinda over saturated with talking while I wasn't near my plants, so there is a REALLY REALLY out of balance "Weed" to "Random" conversation happening. I don't mind if you troll (I'm not a mod), but troll on my plants since this is the Grow Journal section. People want to be able to find the updates when they are starting fresh, reading from the beginning. So, this thread will be my actual grow thread from now on, updates will be here. Starting with the one I made today :D[video=youtube;mDg0hU42DWE][/video]
What a tool. You're hopeless. After all the time you spend on here, this is what you come up with as a process? Seriously? Have you learned absolutly NOTHING from reading here? Everything you have going and are doing is wrong. Jesus.
it's been like 10 days and most of them are not even past cotyledon?

i guess table rice isn't the way to go. add some manure and they'll get bigger.
What a tool. You're hopeless. After all the time you spend on here, this is what you come up with as a process? Seriously? Have you learned absolutly NOTHING from reading here? Everything you have going and are doing is wrong. Jesus.

Nothing I'm doing is wrong. I don't have a lot of money though. The plants are completely fine, look at the first video. They're doing great, and that's BEFORE nutes. I just added nutes today. And I moved the fan for better circulation.
it's been like 10 days and most of them are not even past cotyledon?

i guess table rice isn't the way to go. add some manure and they'll get bigger.

It's been 7 days, and they are ALL past Cotyledon. They ALL have fan leaves coming out.
No, he's serious. As much as he drives me nuts, I almost want to help him. I hate seeing people fuck up a grow, and this one is DOA.
who nutes when they are still at cotyledon stage?

probably the same type of retard whose indoor grow includes fresh manure, table rice, and a halogen lamp.
It's past those leaves dude. Look again. They are ALL growing fan leaves. Why do you have to lie? Because you can't think of any real shit to say? :lol:
also just to let you know, that soil you are using looks like..well shit...soil for MJ should NOT have wood chips in reslly shouldnt even be brown colored, it should be black with some perlite mixed in

also those plants are still way to young for nutrients, i understand they have fan leaves but they are just BARLEY out of the sprout stage, no nutrients are needed, your just wasting them and potentially killing your plant.

if you need help im sure someone could help you out. you still have alot to learn, im not trying to hate...

ps. looking closeley at your video now, your seedlings are already turning brown on the tips from what looks like excess salts, you are most likley going to kill them if your give them anymore nitrogen....good luck dude.
I give them seeds credit, they're survivors. :lol:

" I'd rather they be over-watered than be over-nute-ed." ....... lol I like your reasoning to ease your mind. lmao .... try not to drown out your watercress when you water them next time.
are you calling sativa/indica and hybrid phenos as seedlings, not even old enough to be considered plants yet . . . . . lmfao . . .over watering is a classic newb mistake and so is under feeding- full stregnth Botanicar . . . we will see . . a little more water wont do so much, think percentage not "little"
Is this guy for real? He is huh? Dude, your worried about water drops on your seedings but yet you spill a whole bottle of some concoction you made up all over your ahh well I guess there weed sprouts. Wow, I wish the best for the both of you but unfortunatly I think your the only one thats gonna make it thru this mess... If nothing else its fun to watch. Good luck bro!
Ok I was a little harsh last time, so I will be nicer this time and start with the truth. The other guys on here are only trying to help but you have played it off like the typical young fellow that’s knows it all. There are two basic ways to learn in life 1 learn from trial and error and 2 learn from someone else, both are good but the latter will be quicker. Now here is the truth you want to hear, your plants look great, considering everything they been through. Now that the truth is out of the way what about that learning thing I`m talking about.

Story time; when I was young I too knew it all, after a decade pasted I still knew it all but I also admitted that I didn`t know shit back then. Another decade pasted and same thing, I didn`t know shit back then but I sure know a lot more now. As time passes you see what I mean.

So again like I said before I`m glad you have a sense of humor and we`re all having fun here, just try to learn something new every day and maybe you will be able to grow better than before.

Now get the growin son.
My original grow thread for these plants got kinda over saturated with talking while I wasn't near my plants, so there is a REALLY REALLY out of balance "Weed" to "Random" conversation happening.

I don't mind if you troll (I'm not a mod), but troll on my plants since this is the Grow Journal section. People want to be able to find the updates when they are starting fresh, reading from the beginning.

So, this thread will be my actual grow thread from now on, updates will be here. Starting with the one I made today :D

My original grow thread for these plants got kinda over saturated with talking while I wasn't near my plants, so there is a REALLY REALLY out of balance "Weed" to "Random" conversation happening. I don't mind if you troll (I'm not a mod), but troll on my plants since this is the Grow Journal section. People want to be able to find the updates when they are starting fresh, reading from the beginning. So, this thread will be my actual grow thread from now on, updates will be here. Starting with the one I made today :D

One more thing, try leaving spaces between your sentences and paragraphs, when you jam it altogether it`s hard to read; you`re not paying for space on the server so who cares.
if he would jsut take a step back and stop treating life like masturbation . . .he might be able to learn from others . . . but more than likely he will find someone just slightly smart then he to take care fo him the rest of his life . . . fuck texas . . go America

hand on dick=movement=white confetti soup=success . . . . .
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