is it to late to Hermie my girls for fem seeds??????


OK so I started some fem seeds and was planning on doing a winter grow in San Diego ca, but the weather took a turn for the worst and daytime temps are getting down to the 40s-50s kinda crazy for San Diego???? They have been flowering for 6-7 weeks and are 10-12 week strains. So my question is do I have time to stress them to the point of Hermie and let them pollinate themselves and each other in side a grow tent? And how should I stress them? Im trying with With a crazy light schedule right now. I'm going 12 on 5 off 3 on and 4 off. Will this do it? And how long does it take to show male sex organs? And how long to produce seeds? These were outdoor plants but brought them in when the weather got so cold. THESE PLANTS ARE VERY STUNTED , THEY ARE ABOUT 1 1/2 FT TALL BUT THE BUD SITES STOPPED GROWING.


Well-Known Member
I think you can harvest 3/4's, leave some good stems and bud and leave behind one or two branches.. then beat the crap out of it.. to try and hermie it.


Well there is nothing there to harvest. Maybe a g or 2 lol. In week 6 of flower..... Kill me now lol I can't wait for spring!!!!! The girls are 1 greenhouse seed co. CHEESE and the other is HSO BLUE DREAM both fem


Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, I'd not bother with trying to get seeds from them. If the bud sites have stopped growing and they are stunted that bad it would be a waste of time. Even if you did manage to get them to hermie, the sacs would have to open and release the pollen and then the seeds would have to mature and with only having around 4 to 5 weeks left that just isn't going to happen in time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I would skip trying to do that. If you can stress it into hermie it will most likely pass on some hermie tendencies.
You want a mother that can take massive abuse without turning herm. To make good fem seeds colloidal silver (or something similar) is required to force it to make pollen.


Well-Known Member
It could take a week or more to get it to hermie another week or two to get the sacs to open up and then 4 weeks on top of that for the seeds to mature and that is with a healthy plant and things going right. With your small and stunted plants it could take a lot longer. really not worth the time trying IMO but, if your just curious I say go for it and see what happens. Its always good to experiment and see what you can come up with. If no one went out side the box we would never get anywhere new.


Well-Known Member
let it go longer, it will create pollen, dont stress it. Then collect the pollen and use it on your next crop, you will have fem seeds. But I wouldnt bother because you dont want to do that with shitty genetic.


Well-Known Member
It may work. You need at least 4 weeks to develop seeds.

I personally would not bother with seeds from a stress induced hermie.
That is what feminized seeds are. Feminized seeds are great.

Yeah man I would skip trying to do that. If you can stress it into hermie it will most likely pass on some hermie tendencies.
You want a mother that can take massive abuse without turning herm. To make good fem seeds colloidal silver (or something similar) is required to force it to make pollen.
Feminized seeds are just as likely to "hermie" as their parents.

let it go longer, it will create pollen, dont stress it. Then collect the pollen and use it on your next crop, you will have fem seeds. But I wouldnt bother because you dont want to do that with shitty genetic.
Stress can not be passed on through dna. "Shitty genetic"? You do not know what you are talking about. Collecting pollen if it shows, is a good idea.


Active Member
revegg it and give it a funky photoperiod itll hermie on ya...then flower again and presto fem seeds, just in time for summer...Peace


So there is hope!!!!!! That's all I needed I'm also going to cut a few clones of each plant tomorrow hopefully root them and put them under 24/0 light and see what happens! I have been reading and it is possable. I really want to save the strains. If your interested I'll update weekly with pics and info on what's going on. Thanks for all your input. Well this should be interesting at the very least!!!!!!!!! HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The problem with breeding hermis is that the hermi genetic is passed down the line... forever and ever.... so that subsequent plantings, and then clonings, culd pop out a hermaphrodite.

That is really the only real bad issue with hermis...

There is also probably enough green material left over on that plant that you could regenerate it, let some new growth come back, and then hermi it to get your seeds.


New Member
Colloidal silver is what stresses the plant and makes it produce male flowers.

No, it does not stress it.

It's low stress.

That's why females from seeds that have been made from colloidal silver don't herm from stress (as easily).

Whereas, females from seeds that are created from stress have a tendency to herm out under stress.


New Member
If colloidal silver "was the same thing as stress", why would professional breeders even bother with it?

Why wouldn't they just use stress to induce their hermies?

I'm pretty sure silver costs money.

Maybe not where you live, trousers?


Well-Known Member
I am surprised that people still cling to terrible opinions that were spread by crappy growers so many years ago.

Here is what happened:

Feminized seeds start to be sold. If purchased from reputable breeders they produce 100% female plants.

Some crappy growers get their hands on some feminized seeds. They grow it out and stress it with a shitty environment. The plants produce male flowers as a result of all the stress. The crappy growers bitch about how feminized seeds produce "hermies." Crappy growers want to blame anyone but themselves.

These crappy growers are very vocal and people that do not think for them selves read the opinions of the crappy growers and parrot them. It is weird.

People that complained about getting males did not get real feminized seeds.

If feminized seeds were so terrible, why are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of feminized seeds sold each year?
You would rthink there would be a lot more anecdotal evidence that feminized seeds are no good.

The problem with breeding hermis is that the hermi genetic is passed down the line... forever and ever.... so that subsequent plantings, and then clonings, culd pop out a hermaphrodite.
That is really the only real bad issue with hermis...[/quote]

You are wrong.

You are confusing the two different types of hermaphrodites.

Stress is not passed down to offspring. You really should not post stuff like this. It has been common knowledge for years that feminized seeds are no more likely to "herm" than their parents.

No, it does not stress it.

It's low stress.
Stress is stress. The stress caused by colloidal silver makes the hormones produce male flowers. If you do not believe that, I do not know what to tell you.
I use colloidal silver.

That's why females from seeds that have been made from colloidal silver don't herm from stress (as easily).
You have no idea what you are talking about. Stress is not passed on through dna. You are not going to convince me otherwise.

Whereas, females from seeds that are created from stress have a tendency to herm out under stress.

No. you are wrong. You are repeating terrible opinions from 5+ years ago. Stop it.

If colloidal silver "was the same thing as stress", why would professional breeders even bother with it?
You do not understand what you are talking about. Colloidal silver creates stress to turn plants. deal with it.

Why wouldn't they just use stress to induce their hermies?
They do. deal with it.

I'm pretty sure silver costs money.
Hey, you got something right. Congratulations.

Maybe not where you live, trousers?
Colloidal silver is incredibly cheap to produce. You need .999 silver. An ounce will produce hundreds if not thousands 0f gallons of colloidal silver. It is cheap, but I prefer to purchase mine for $20 an ounce. One fem seeds can run $15, so $20 for a bottle that could produce hundreds of thousands of seeds is not expensive.