FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Active Member
:lol: Watch :lol: Ya'll think marijuana growing is a science, with specific steps you have to follow, because that's what other human beings have told you. It's not though. This plant knows things we don't, and Shiva has been active for at least 3,000 year of recorded humanity, possibly longer. So he knows how to guide us. And this is all the doing of cannabis. Shiva IS cannabis, and it has plans for us. Even those of you who use it as a drug.

I forgot Shiva had been growing indoors with electricity, artificial sun and fans for 3,000 years.

The reality of the situation is that when something thrives outdoors, It must become a science to thrive indoors. We are not mother nature, We are not "Shiva", We must create an environment that does not exist within our walls.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dude thinks he has

Originally Posted by finshaggy
i think you're (you spelt it wrong) bad a reading, spelling, and comprehending.

i bet buck just shit himself, and wow sig worthy fail

i do it all the time but never correcting someone . . . .. is def a little funny


Well-Known Member
no its about me calling you out for being a jerk if your sick with a highly infectious disease you should not be working at a public place like a mall or a restaurant or a grocery store, you are why diseases get spread, and people like you who cant take responsibility for themselves
Oh wait. You think I work there. No, I said my roommates work there :lol: :lol: I just live with 2 people that work at the mall, so I'm up there a lot. Except for the passed few days I've been so sick I've just been in bed coughing, basically doing crunches :lol: You should read a little better before you get so angry next time. :D


Well-Known Member
wahh I forgot an apostrophe :dunce: you share the bed with the 2 stoners too? why you keep mentioning 2 stoners and the closet? you trying to come out or something? :dunce:
:lol: No, you forgot an "e" and an apostrophe. WHILE trying to tell me I was bad at reading :lol: :dunce: No I don't share the bed, is this the "schooling" you were talking about :lol: And I only mention stoners in closets because you keep telling me they should be there :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I forgot Shiva had been growing indoors with electricity, artificial sun and fans for 3,000 years.

The reality of the situation is that when something thrives outdoors, It must become a science to thrive indoors. We are not mother nature, We are not "Shiva", We must create an environment that does not exist within our walls.
:lol: :lol: :lol: No :lol: It does not have to become a science. You just replicate the outdoors. Which is a RANDOM, but also scheduled place. It's not science, ceremony works just as well :dunce:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:lol: No, you forgot an "e" and an apostrophe. WHILE trying to tell me I was bad at reading :lol: :dunce: No I don't share the bed, is this the "schooling" you were talking about :lol: And I only mention stoners in closets because you keep telling me they should be there :dunce:
no, this is not the schooling I am talking about.... but you're almost there :lol:


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Just as funny as it was that YOU left out the part where YOU spelled wrong while trying to act superior in intellect :dunce: :lol: LOL... DOUBLE FAIL
hello... anyone home? still in the closet with the 2 stoners? ....I admitted I was wrong :dunce: and where did I ever act intelligent? pointing out your mistake was intelligent? double dunce :dunce: :dunce:

now what was the point of your post again? to re-enforce what a :dunce: you are?


Well-Known Member
Ok...really. Don't you guys think this has gone on long enough? I mean, just let fin try to grow some weed, if he fails, he fails. If he succeeds, good for him, he grew himself some free weed. And fin, don't be so concerned with keeping your thread bumped all the time. I know you're gonna say we bump it for you, but you respond to every fucking troll post, and re-post videos all the time "in case we missed them" do that shit a lot. Stop responding to every troll post and maybe they'll get bored...but you know deep down you just want the attention any way you can get it.

Its a grow journal, people...


Well-Known Member
Someone on HipForums just made the most hilarious meme. I'm over there for a while, I get back to ya'll later :lol: 32849932.jpg
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