FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I will get some. I just have to use my money on that, not Ph strips. And timers + 6 buckets could be like 60$, and I have like 50$ right now.

50!?!? Run don't walk to your nearest hydro store, buy blown plastic pots for.60 cents each, a bag of coco for 9, ph drops for 3 and ask the cool dude behind the counter for any samples he has of whatever...
What are everyone's feelings about watering with milk. I've got a friend from Jamaica and he says they always tell him milk is the best thing to water your plant with. Seems strange to me... Any benefit besides the fact that milk is a base?

Wow.....just Wow...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah. :lol: Or maybe you guys are all just following the leader and talking shit because that's what everyone else is doing. Notice on my old shitty grows people weren't assholes, and also notice Buck or Samwell weren't there. I would really maybe give your posts some consideration, if they had ANY merit. You're just standing in someone's shadow, I can barely even see you.

blah blah blah your a dumbass
The part of CO I live in is awesome. I can walk into my local Wal Mart and buy about 50 SOLO cups for around $3.00. Poke some holes into the bottom of each cup, fill with soil (or coco, if I'm feeling saucy), add a seed and presto! A gorgeous seedling pops up in 3-5 days! Generally speaking, I transplant once they're a month old. I use Smart Pots, which are about $5 each.

Not that I use all the cups at the same time. Gotta think of legal plant count, right?
This is literally the only thread my wife asks me abt, and we realized the reason we love it is cuz we always see people trying to do good so its refreshing to see a guy just say fuck it.... Now she's mad for giving real advice lol
I have so far used fluorescents every time. Before I thought they were yellow because it was reggie seed, because that was the constant. Now the only constant is fluorescent. So that is the only thing that can be the problem. Which makes sense because certain kinds of light contain certain colors (ex: HPS = lots of red), so this just means the plant is not getting enough of whatever other colors, but plenty of yellow. Making it... Yellow :dunce:
agree with samwell. floros ain't the problem, it's you. my shit gets nice and green with floros. always did, always will
Not really trying to troll but those seedlings in update 12 don't look so good. I know you think everything is normal and "thriving", but you seem to have some really slow growth, and that seedling in the front rigt in the video looks like its little leaf tips are burning or yellowing or something. Maybe you should have held off on giving your seedlings a dose or nearly full strength nutes. If the directions say 1 tablespoon per gallon, and you use 1/4 - 1/3 tablespoon per quart, that is a full strength dose, if not stronger. I saw you added an extra cup or so of water after you fed them, but that's still at least a 3/4 strength solution. I thought that was supposed to be a little strong for babies so young.

I dunno, correct me if I'm wrong, Fin. You seem to know everything already...think those ashes just need time to soak in?? :?
What are everyone's feelings about watering with milk. I've got a friend from Jamaica and he says they always tell him milk is the best thing to water your plant with. Seems strange to me... Any benefit besides the fact that milk is a base?
I dont think you should use the milk because theres no rice crispys in the soil mix. If you add some youll be fine but uncle bens and milk doesnt taste good at all. Maybe try a foliar spray. I can see your point though. Theyd get lots of calcium.
I dont think you should use the milk because theres no rice crispys in the soil mix. If you add some youll be fine but uncle bens and milk doesnt taste good at all. Maybe try a foliar spray. I can see your point though. Theyd get lots of calcium.

hes going to use 2% because it has the most water in it
Obviously you don't know how to read because I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY :dunce:

Do you realize literally the post before you said u had a 50 spot.... Take what's left after my"shopping list"downtown and impress the ladies with your ballerness and authentic sports clothing.
hes going to use 2% because it has the most water in it
Fin if your broke then theyre probably be getting rid of expired eggnog all over man, that has milk for calcium, cinnamon for pest control, and eggs....well i guess that the eggs just go with the milk and rice crispys so your plants will like it. You could probably solve your ph problem with some orange juice. And youd have all the ingredients for one awsome breakfast so youll all be eating healthy to optimize growth. You makin it happen bro, keep it up.
I will get some. I just have to use my money on that, not Ph strips. And timers + 6 buckets could be like 60$, and I have like 50$ right now.

outlet timer - $5-$10
buckets - $.10 to $1.00 per bucket

killing your plants because you're too stupid to buy a $3 PH test kit : Priceless

If PH was not important why do you think it's the FIRST thing growing EXPERTS ask someone when they say they have a plant problem?

My plant is browning... whats your PH?
My plant is yellowing.... whats your PH?

My plant is being cared for by a mentally challenged person that thinks he can keep them alive with a timer, ashes, buckets, halogen light and some milk..... You must be yellowing and having your growth stunted... oh wait.. that's just because your roots are growing massive and withing the next 3 to wait 5 to 6 maybe 7 days you're about to find your way out of your yellowed state (which is caused by yellow lights...duh) and shoot up with massive growth to make some DANK BUD
samwell said it best when he called them "shiva rape bait plants".

seriously, clancy, you have $50. you said so. go buy $3 worth of solo cups, $10 worth of good, seed starting soil, transplant what you have, plant some more seeds, and just water with good ol' tap water. maybe even splurge the extra $3 on a few gallons of pure, 0 ppm distilled water.

milk and rice and ashes and halogen and manure are the wrong path to go down. keep it simple.

pro tip: it ain't the lights causing those things to yellow. i have all my veg plants under CFL as well, all green. just take some of the goddamn advice we are giving you because those poor shiva rape bait sprouts are getting more yellow and necrotic by the day.
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