FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Active Member
samwell said it best when he called them "shiva rape bait plants".

seriously, clancy, you have $50. you said so. go buy $3 worth of solo cups, $10 worth of good, seed starting soil, transplant what you have, plant some more seeds, and just water with good ol' tap water. maybe even splurge the extra $3 on a few gallons of pure, 0 ppm distilled water.

milk and rice and ashes and halogen and manure are the wrong piath to go down. keep it simple.

pro tip: it ain't the lights causing those things to yellow. i have all my veg plants under CFL as well, all green. just take some of the goddamn advice we are giving you because those poor shiva rape bait sprouts are getting more yellow and necrotic by the day.
Dude, get your grade 11 and read abt him not wanting shopping lists. You sound like the father figure he needs.
Why didn't you say this shit was professional Julian? - j-roc


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree.. Its time to scrap this one and start a new one. You can get a bag of decent soil, some lime, some cups, and a ph tester kit for under $50 and they would surpass these for sure. Plus a rug to catch run off is probably not a good idea. Asking for mold:( Ive been rooting for these poor things but it doesnt look like its going to happen. If the roots are as big as you talk about your going to destroy them when you transplant.


Well-Known Member
Im not going to watch the video again but the link to your update video looks like you have a bunch of wires laying on top of what will soon be a damp rug. Thats probably not a good idea either..


Well-Known Member
I don't want to read all this new stuff. BUT. I have a new update for ya'll. Not really an update though, this one is just a video of my grow. [video=youtube;oLL1frnZS6E][/video]
Are you shitting me? A torch on those little shoots?


Active Member
Hey fin! You need a dog or something bro, cause you sure the hell dont need to be growing...Tap out bro...Your done!


Well-Known Member
Hey fin! You need a dog or something bro, cause you sure the hell dont need to be growing...Tap out bro...Your done!
A dog is too big of a leap bro, Id say maybe lab rats. Or a chia pet. I heard chia pets grow real well when torched and put under jobsite lamps.


Well-Known Member
NEEEWWW UPDATE: [video=youtube;2qDWEWr6TZw][/video]
Are those all electrical wires that the drainage problem is leaking all over? Alright kids now dont do what Shitbaggie did right there or you could electrify your lightning rod if you get my drift. Fireworks.:fire:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I don't want to read all this new stuff. BUT. I have a new update for ya'll. Not really an update though, this one is just a video of my grow. [video=youtube;oLL1frnZS6E][/video]
HOLY SHIT! I must have missed this update.

wtf?!?! bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!



Well-Known Member
You should transplant soon. With the root explosion you are working with, you don't want them to outgrow their new containers before they're even in them

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I'd say the big grow is going well so far. Although the plants seem to be moving a little slowly.
Some how u need to jump start them. A lot of good ideas have already been said.
call a nursery see if they have any small pots (the next party u go to keep a few party cups).
All this has already been said. Some one even said seed starter mix( greatest idea yet.)
party cup with seed starter mix that is a win win situation right there. Should be about 7 bucks for that. Any ways
hope u get some stuff to jump start the grow.


Well-Known Member
I'd say the big grow is going well so far. Although the plants seem to be moving a little slowly.
Some how u need to jump start them. A lot of good ideas have already been said.
call a nursery see if they have any small pots (the next party u go to keep a few party cups).
All this has already been said. Some one even said seed starter mix( greatest idea yet.)
party cup with seed starter mix that is a win win situation right there. Should be about 7 bucks for that. Any ways
hope u get some stuff to jump start the grow.
a lot of plant nurseries have container recycling centers. i haven't paid for a container for years now. just stop in to pick up a few things i need and hit up their container recycling area on my way out. free containers of any size await.

could use the blowtorch to boil some water to run through them along with some bleach to get them nice and sterile and clean.

i know you hate shopping lists, spammy, so i gave you an idea of how to get it done for free. well, bleach may cost $1.49 if you don't have some already.

Moon Goblin

Active Member
What are everyone's feelings about watering with milk. I've got a friend from Jamaica and he says they always tell him milk is the best thing to water your plant with. Seems strange to me... Any benefit besides the fact that milk is a base?
I had a pair of "Jah-makens" doing some siding on my house- one was Eek-a-mouse's doppelganger. Anyway, they came across my out door plant.

pictures 064.jpgpictures 065.jpg Later I was giving them some FoxFarm bat guano and telling them, " that's the best shit." Eek-a mouse's co-worker enthusiastically interjected, " na man, my shit is the best shit!"
avoiding a long conversation I just laughed and thought to myself, i guess it's depends on what you eat... and composting.

Anyway, what I learned was that even though Jamaicans are Ire by birth,

they don't always know what is best for the ganja


Well-Known Member
How's the old saying go?

If someone calls you a horse face, you punch them in the face. If someone else calls you a horse face, you punch them in the face and then take a look in the mirror.

I think it's time shwag takes a look in the mirror.
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