Get your dog/cat high


Well-Known Member
Ok so i dont want to hear any ohhh thats animal cruelty if he hated it so much he'd run away...but usually when i smoke a bowl i call him and he jumps in my lap and i just blow it around him he doesnt mind much...but i know he loves being high because he loves to play with me and loves to cuddle up to me and nap sometimes...our cay hates it so i dont even bother trying to blow any at/around her......also for freckles(dog) i dont even inhale just pull the smoke in my cheeks and blow the whole hit at him since he cant do it himself lol
My dog is a stoner. He looks at the bong and back at me, paws me, barks a little begging for it until he gets a toke. :D
i used to bring my dog in the washroom when i hot box it til i noticed
tht she got scared cuz she didnt know what was happening
people say my puppys getting stoned becuase he smells like weed and he gets super hyper but i think it's just normal puppy behavior, peeps is full of shit. i do smoke sativas tho
It's when people blow multiple hits at their animal when the animal has never been stoned before that it's cruelty and your animal doesn't like it. You have to slowly introduce them to it. Show them the product, get them used to the routine. If they don't come to you after that, they don't want to get high. Seen animals that love it and others that don't. My dog loves it, but I had a cat that didn't... Got keep dog away from plants, taken down big branches before come walking around the corner with it in her mouth half chewed up all wagging her tail, have to fight to get it away from her. Strongly suggest a vaporizer for pets instead of smoke, they prefer it, often you can train them so you cup your hand around their mouth and blow in their nose. Or 'simpson oil' is great for there overall health or pain or just about any health problem, mental health (separation anxiety) too.... Don't bogart and share with your pets! (if they want it)
Sry a bit offtopic .. My dog (Mini schnauzer) drinks beer! n loves it! I pour some on the floor for him n he licks it clean. He has drank half a beer before in about 10 minutes. I dont do this often, maybe 5 times in his lifetime (5 years old)
Not a fan of allowing<--- that one near me when I smoke..

I will give her some canna oil aprox 4-5 drops in her food if she is having a bad day.. (skin alergies did almost all of the vet recommend tests.. and meds.. she does great with 4-5 drops..

I have a Husky who will siddle up to be when I smoke a Bong or pipe he sit's for the first 2 exhales and is off..

I smoke outside only
My cat doesn't care for it, and cannabis plants do not take kindly to cat they stay separated. I never understood the eat the plant phenomenon with felines, they just throw it up.

Dogs are a different story, had a German Sheppard once that actually liked shotguns up the snout...go figure.:-P
generally cats-dogs do that for the taste.. to settle their tummies (fiber) or to puke and some just like to chew.. dogs will pretty much eat anything so...
I find that peanut butter canna cookies are a great dog calming treat. Just don't overdo it, or you have a zonked out puppy. But once you figure out the dosage you can have some nice smooth days and easy long car trips.
I don't intentionally blow my hits at my dog, but he doesn't seem to mind it when it occasionally happens. He always comes and sits close when I pull out the bong.

I noticed that sometimes when I return to the room after leaving some buds unattended on the tray, I could swear that some of those buds disappear. Later on I always find the missing buds on the floor, soaking wet, and right next to where my dog was laying. It seems he likes to suck on them.
serious dont get you're pets stoned , in my country if the animal had a reaction to it or something you could end up in jail for animal cruelty
Well were in Murica lol...and if my dog didnt like it or show me he doesnt like it i wouldnt do it ...i can blow it directly in his face and hel licks my nose through the smoke lol...he just gets it blowin in his face and when.he leaves it means he dont want any more...he is a healthy active dov no breething probles...sometimes coughs when he drinks a lot of water quick and the occasional sneeze when he gets a good hit
i guess you drug your infant kids as well as your animals as we all know infants love to get high just like pets do...

my puppy once ate my $125 bulb, she loved it, said it was delicious, but do you think i feed her bulbs for dinner now?? fuck no, don't get your animals stoned... just because you enjoy a lil weed, don't think that your animal does. and ps, they don't have a choice in it either... just because they come around when you're smoking doesn't mean they enjoy the effects..
Hell my cats love ACID.......:o

yeah, why stop at getting your dog / cat stoned?? why not tie them off and shoot them with some grade a heroin while we're at it?? shit i loved me some heroin, obviously my dog loves me, therefore she would love some dope too right?? :wall: