FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I'm really not saying this to be a dick, but you need to sort them out they are looking rough already mate, you need to pot them up in some little starter pots in some decent soil or substrate because for them to be looking that rough and unhealthy already is just warning signs of what's to come.
The ol' Soggy Bay! Ever go to the boat ramp at B point on Columbus day and watch the fights?

No, I was never there for Columbus day. I was only there for 3 months, look up "Darrin McGillis", he ran for governor and shit in Florida, and used to work for Menudo... And he was my land lord and lived with us :lol: :lol: :lol: It was terrible :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm really not saying this to be a dick, but you need to sort them out they are looking rough already mate, you need to pot them up in some little starter pots in some decent soil or substrate because for them to be looking that rough and unhealthy already is just warning signs of what's to come.

They're fine. Just watch, stop giving me shopping lists.
No, I was never there for Columbus day. I was only there for 3 months, look up "Darrin McGillis", he ran for governor and shit in Florida, and used to work for Menudo... And he was my land lord and lived with us :lol: :lol: :lol: It was terrible :lol: :lol: :lol:

^^^^^By the way, there will be videos of THIS up eventually too.^^^
why do them sprouts look so stiff? looks like if I was to flick it with my finger, it would shatter in to pieces.

poor, poor sprouts :(
I hate to say it, but we might have a case of a stunted plant. I hope I'm wrong,but I haven't seen much growth at this point.
theres a lot of things that can be done, but why say it. Don't think the op wants to listen to any one. So many cheap or free methods to fix those plants or sprouts or what ever were calling them after2 weeks. I feel like crying, but I know that crying wont help our situation out here.
No, just turned up the stereo. Then followed him :lol:
Is that white spec twelve cars up the cop?? I cant even see the cop, your blind. All i see is two wannabe gangsters with a stolen stereo in their crapmobile get cut off by a black truck. Maybe if the crapmobile had a decent engine in it you could keep up with the fuzz, maybe next time............... FAIL
They're fine. Just watch, stop giving me shopping lists.
Stop saying that friend. We as a community has options that have to do with little to no money. I'm getting the feeling your just a lazy 20 year old. I hate to say that but I don't know what else to think. I'm a little scared to tell u the truth.
Stop saying that friend. We as a community has options that have to do with little to no money. I'm getting the feeling your just a lazy 20 year old. I hate to say that but I don't know what else to think. I'm a little scared to tell u the truth.

Then you tell me and I'll tell him.
Stop saying that friend. We as a community has options that have to do with little to no money. I'm getting the feeling your just a lazy 20 year old. I hate to say that but I don't know what else to think. I'm a little scared to tell u the truth.

every post of truth or lie gives shaggy another 3cents from google, so he doesnt care , as well talk amongst ourselves about his failures hes just sitting back at his min wage mall job giving people whooping cough , as the cents roll in,

one post of ?unknown response at a time

the guy gets paid more from drama then actually being insightful or factual or interesting

famous for being stupid and im glad to watch,

this journal and im sure subsequent journals will be a highlight of the green rush of trend jumping trustafarians(not really though in this case more like po-afarians) cashing in in any way possible on with the entertainment of their idiocy . . like jackass but youtube/google/RIU grower

and not nearly as original or entertaining, just pathetic, like old local access tv shows(conditional depending on if you lived in a very pro TV suburbanite area which is like every so im sure some understand, basically youtube before internet and shit)
every post of truth or lie gives shaggy antoehr 3cents from google, so he doesnt care , as well talkamongst ourselves about his failures hes just sittign back at his min wage mall job giving people whooping cough , as the cents roll in one post of ? at a time

the guy gets paid more from drama then actually being insightfull or factual or interesting

famous for being stupid and im glad to watch, this journal and im sure subsequent journals will be a highlight of the green rush of trend jumping trustafarians(not really though in thsi case more like po-afarians) cashingin in any way possible on with the entertainment of their idiocy . . like jackass but youtube/google/RIU grower
Is this really true? The money thing and all?
Is this really true? The money thing and all?

ya google shaggy's google check and you will find threads here where he talks about his small, but none the less paycheck for self internet prostitution of himself and MMJ industry . . .

Could you see them (TV) putting on a reality tv show about forum boards?

reality T.V will do anything these days . . . .who knows . . but i doubt any production would give the real life trailer park boy a job, more like copy his persona and design a character and back ground . . .writers have less ego
He can believe his own lies, I don't have to "buy into" them.

all he has to do is pretend to be the character he is . . . . and coming from a very couch hippy town i have meet many like him, and they are not as uncommon as you think . . .self delusional yes . . . .believes his lies no . . he thinks we all believe him and that he is some sort of shaman . . thats the delusion,
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