Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum


Well-Known Member
He had this 64 headed monster he called a scrogless scrog lol just amazing.
Like the new av btw :-) I can dig it.

It really is awesome. Iv read every single page of that thread.

To you both, I'll be mainlining my current grow day 20 from seed. Incase you wanted to see it lol
yup, I'll subscribe


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for posting this link, ive spent the last two hours reading it. My favorite line so far.....
" Holy crap its a sixteen pointer "

" shoot it, shoot it "

lmao bud

i think that this thread just changed my whole outlook on gardening. I hope you post this everywhere. I loved it.
lol just got back from buying some 16 gauge wire from the store, and collecting a debt. Almost got my dumb ass shot in the meantime, not a good situation, eesh, i hate it when things get tense. Still got everything i came for so, WIN. I cant wait to try and maximize my yield potential with that mainlineing thread. Im going to do a side by side again to compare but im expecting no competition from the control plant. Already showed that thread to two other guys and they were grinnin from ear to ear and ready to try after page one :):):)