FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
its been a trainwreck from day 1, long before this thread was started . . . .not a single person here , likes what they see, but like a trainwreck they have to look and slow down, i guess some may find jpy in your failings so some may enjoy this


Well-Known Member
I just want to let everyone know, the thing I will be doin will get attention anywhere. The things I will be doing to my plants are going to freak tons of people out, you guys just happen to also be assholes that love to bump my threads. You guys can continue snitching on me if you want, but if you do EVERYTHING I do will just be taken to another place. And ya'll will continue to bump my name with "Where's FinShaggy" threads and stuff like that :lol: If I were gone for a year, I don't even know what ya'll would start doing. Most of you would become real trolls probably, since the safety of my threads will leave you to troll more innocent victims.


Well-Known Member
And you know you LOVE this thread, you're here all the time. So you can't say you don't like it, you just happen to not like the plants because you don't know what you are looking at :lol:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Is that why multiple people like my stuff every once in a while, when the right people see it? Because none of them "like", what they "see". Yeah, that's probably the reason :lol: :dunce:

no once in a while in a thread 3 weeks old with 300 pages is never so far . . . .figure it out buddy , no one wants what your selling

you bring nothing innovative or new to teh table, and you do bring tons of BS and argumentative BS, there ahve been at least 7 people that came to your rescue and with pages you yourself had disgusted them, and they figured out why your a douche numero uno, anyone that knows you long enough gets tired of it, and thats why you surf couches . . . . . people cant stand you and you know it, so you try try try hard

you could turn diamonds into shit on command

you try to hard to get the wrong kind of attention, more than likely at 20 not your fault but only you can change the way you affect yourself through your effects on others


Well-Known Member
no once in a while in a thread 5 days old with 300 pages is never so far . . . .figure it out buddy , no one wants what your selling
I'm not selling anything. But you guys do want me to do what I'm doing or you wouldn't keep hating. Ya'll know when people hate THIS hard it means you're doing something right :lol: Something VERY right :lol: Just watch what happens with this grow :lol:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
and then come the lies, you are selling something

you are selling your life, and making money from the attention

you are selling stupidity, and we don't want it

Rollit up has spoken

we dont want your shameless self promoting

your finshaggy is not a persona its a paycheck . . . . . and you are a con artist

aka the shaved carny


Well-Known Member
and then come th lies, you are selling somthing

you are selling your life, and making money from the attnetion

you are sellign stupidity, and we dont want it
See, you don't even know what's going on. I still have a life, YOU trolls have sold you're lives to get me attention. I hardly have to do anything :lol: And it's not stupidity, it's the old way and you are fighting so hard to keep it from resurfacing :lol:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you make money by increasing your post count here . . that is it . . .everything you do is motivated by small sums of money in the form of google checks, you are a prostitute! and not the good kind

you have sold your friends, ex girls, and family out for a few cents . . . . you would think being in JC would make you re think your life choices of selfishness, but nope

and almost as bad you continue to propagate horrible half brained tech for growing and choose to remain 100% ignorant to what you are doing and in so are a threat to all growers and growers to be . . .finshaggy means mis information and disingenuous-ness


Well-Known Member
you make money by increasing your post count here . . that is it . . .everything you do is motivated by small sums of money in the form of google checks, you are a prostitute! and not the good kind
No, I am motivated by teaching people abut weed. you wouldn't believe the amount of thanks I get just for showing people what an overwatered plant looks like and for showing people how to something as simple as scrapping resin. I'm going to show EVERYONE how to make hash and grow weed and do EVERYTHING else I can show them. Yes I'll make money along the way. But most people would make their money the capitalist way, which is to keep knowledge a secret and sell the outcome of what you know, and at least I'm not doing that. I'm actually sharing everything :lol:
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