Why flushing is a myth yes and no explained!

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Nice post, not saying that is incorrect by any means but its quite study specific and contains more four syllable words and abereviations than are comprehendable. That document should come with an index with laymans terms added. Oxygen.....
oxygenolytically what? Just wondering what it all means, guide the blind man to the light plz.​

This one is better. I have taken 2 years of college chemistry. Bio and organic chemistry is difficult. I don't even understand all of it.
so let get this this straight.....flushed plants dry quicker than unflushed.....hmmmm well I just put on my boots cause the shit is gettin deep :)
I also like how he fails to mention that chlorophyll breaks down not only during the drying time, but curing time as well. This whole thread is based on one person's theory of how much chlorophyll is in unflushed vs flushed bud and how long that chlorophyll takes to break down. All speculation that the OP probably hasn't even tested himself. I'd never let my shit hang for 12 days at 55% humidity.
"nutes" dont go straight into the plants. by the time it gets up there it's converted into sugars

If it all converted to sugars as you say...where do all the heavy metals come from. Have your un-flushed product tested they will tell you how it works.

I'm not worried about a little sugar, its the heavy metals man...

My shit would be DUST in 12 days hanging with leaves on or not!
shit guys i live in the PNW by a lake... my shit can hang in my bathroom for a month and still have a sponginess to it

I do some sht in colorado too... there we have to use a tent to dry in or its bone dry in 5 days or less
Nice post, not saying that is incorrect by any means but its quite study specific and contains more four syllable words and abereviations than are comprehendable. That document should come with an index with laymans terms added. Oxygen.....
oxygenolytically what? Just wondering what it all means, guide the blind man to the light plz.​
I only posted the link to the source of the OP's post as he did not.
The most I have ever let my nugs hang was 3 days. Then a one to two week cure for perfectly smoke-able product.
The most I have ever let my nugs hang was 3 days. Then a one to two week cure for perfectly smoke-able product.
This explains the name. ;-)

I think this thread will add more fog for some, why not Just explain it for What it is personal choice.

Some flush some do not, most user hardly tell the difference If there is one at all. It's all about growers personal preference, and not who is right or wrong.

So basically for someone like me whom lives in a 20%rh climate, flushing is a good idea since its almost impossible to extend the drying to2 weeks. No matter what you do (including adding a humidifier)
So basically for someone like me whom lives in a 20%rh climate, flushing is a good idea since its almost impossible to extend the drying to2 weeks. No matter what you do (including adding a humidifier)

3x3 or 4x4 grow tent closed off with drying plants inside the rh will raise alot and slow your drying process
This explains the name. ;-)

I think this thread will add more fog for some, why not Just explain it for What it is personal choice.

Some flush some do not, most user hardly tell the difference If there is one at all. It's all about growers personal preference, and not who is right or wrong.

Exactly, it's the same as defoliation, 48 hrs of dark...The list goes on. Everyone here does it different. If it works for you then run it!
you only need to flush if you have been feeding heavily(organic or inorganic), towards the end, there is no reason to flush during the life time of a plant unless your using synthetics and going on beyond 3-4 months of growing it.

you should flush at the end though especially if you feed heavily and not what the plant needs and uses,which most of you do if you follow the instuctions on the bottles for the most part(some, very few, but some are labeled well)
here is a small list of some of chemical ferts when overly fed would ideally need flushed out, most inorganic fertilizer contain one or more of these, because they are cheaper than other chemical forms of nutrition.
Ammonium Sulphate

This fertilizer type comes in a white crystalline salt form, containing 20 to 21% ammonia cal nitrogen. It is easy to handle and it stores well under dry conditions. However, during the rainy season, it sometimes, forms lumps. (TIP: When these lumps do occur you should grind them down to a powered form before use.) Though this fertilizer type is soluble in water, its nitrogen is not readily lost in drainage, because the ammonium ion is retained by the soil particles. A note of caution: Ammonium sulphate may have an acid effect on garden soil. Over time, the long-continued use of this type of fertilizer will increase soil acidity and thus lower the yield. (TIP: It is advisable to use this fertilizer type together with bulky organic manures to safeguard against the ill effects of continued application of ammonium sulphate.)
Ammonium Nitrate

This fertilizer type also comes in white crystalline salts. Ammonium Nitrate salts contains 33 to 35% nitrogen, of which half is nitrate nitrogen and the other half in the ammonium form. As part of the ammonium form, this type of fertilizer cannot be easily leached from the soil. This fertilizer is quick-acting, but highly hygroscopic thus making it unfit for storage. (TIP: Coagulation and Granulation of this fertilizer can be combated with a light coating of the granules with oil.) On a note of caution: Ammonium Nitrate also has an acid effect on the soil, in addition this type of fertilizer can be explosive under certain conditions, and, should thus be handled with care.

'Nitro Chalk' is the trade name of a product formed by mixing ammonium nitrate with about 40% lime-stone or dolomite. This fertilizer is granulated, non-hazardous and less hygroscopic. The lime content of this fertilizer type makes it useful for application to acidic garden soils.

dressing, but it should not be applied along the seed.
Ammonium Chloride

This fertilizer type comes in a white crystalline compound, which contains a good physical condition and 26% ammoniac nitrogen. In general, Ammonium Chloride is similar to ammonium sulphate in action. (TIP: Do not use this type of fertilizer on crops such as tomatoes because the chorine may harm your crop.)
There is no difference in taste from flushed or unflushed bud. It's all about the approach of harvesting and drying.

Where you went wrong with the unflushed bud, is that it's best to chop the whole plant from the base......

Well my flushed bud comes out great and all the folks who reviewed my end products have had nothing but awesome things to say about it... I think I will continue doing it "all wrong". You can see more of me doing it all wrong in my harvest pictures located in my signature.

Also from what you said, if you don't flush you have to do other stuff to make it taste right? And if you do flush you can harvest the way I do it? Something about biology?

I have been talking to the growers on this forum who don't believe in flushing for a long time, I can bet none of them agree with the above statement. Most just feel flushing does nothing more than deprive your plant from nutrients, and the only adjustment you need to make is reducing nutrients the last few weeks. They feel the bad taste comes from bad drying and curing (no matter if you flush or not).

To say if you harvest using "my method" of harvesting and curing, it will only work on flushed bud is a view you share alone. Both sides would disagree with that.
dont care what you "scientists" say, i prefer smoking on flushed bud, instead of smoking chemicals. If i wanted to do that i would smoke meth.
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