How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.


Well-Known Member
I have been moved by God to begin a thread on the way to heaven,
I pray that many people will be saved from hell by viewing this thread.
This is not a place to slander Christianity. Please keep it clean.

Jesus is the only way in which we can enter into the gates of heaven.
His sacrifice enables us to be cleansed from our many sins,
being made righteous through Him.

We must ask Jesus aloud to be our savior.

"Jesus, please save me. In Jesus name amen."

Get baptized, and turn from your sin.

Know you are going to heaven by doing these three simple things.

Read the bible to find strength and knowledge in God and His path for your life.
Im not one to disrespect a persons view or belief in religion,but here we go again with yet another individual making the same assertion that has been made time after time again.You can say what you want to of course,but dont expect ME to believe as you do,because I simply do not and will not.I will save myself and have the ability to do so,the best part is you cannot prove me wrong with anything you have to say or with anything that you can do.peace:leaf:
This is not a place to slander Christianity. Please keep it clean.
I have a hard time believing that Xianity can be 'slandered.' Slander is about making false statements about something, the truth is a defense against slander. The negative things about Xianity all come from Xians and the bible itself. The religion doesn't need me to pile on, it does a good job of discrediting itself. The best antidote to the Xian religion is to read the bible for yourself.
...wouldn't it seem to anyone here that all things, religion, food, situations (etc), are neutral and our interpretations of them paint them as 'x' thing? Isn't the world just a mirror of sorts? This makes all the stuff 'just stuff', while what it seems to be goes in accordance with our own state of mind? A clear example of this is when a person is either angry, in love, indifferent (etc), their world becomes painted as such for a while. Imagine that, times every interaction you have in a day. So, who's really got a grasp on reality enough to make claims against this or that?
Oldgrowth420..........I dont know what I believe in anymore. As a kid I attendeda church and was taught the way to heaven was thru jesus christ......but in lieu of the recent events like Sandy Hook.......I just dont see a good and just god allowing things like this to happen. This world is full of evil terrible people that do not deserve to live..........but yet god saw fit to allow the murder of all those children...........I just dont understand
God allows free will and a free world for people to do as they please oldtimer54. God wants people to choose to do right, and gives us what we need to do good if we ask Him. Satan is still at work and has a lot of control in this world, so don't be surprised when bad things happen. We aren't just robots for God, we have the ability to choose what we do. This is why people make bad choices. I pray that God will guide us all to make the right and good choices in Jesus name amen
Don't allow evil to change the way you think about Jesus. Jesus is and always will be our God and our Savior. Just cry out Jesus save me and feel God come to you.