Club 600

Under 600 hps 3 blue cheese scrog week 5 tomo! Love my 600!!


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thanks man id love to see any pics of these things. I think im going to psuedo mainline these, most of the pics i see are single cola dom plants, and thats just not my style. i thik nugbuckets is the only cat ive seen top his till they are 30 plus tops. seems to really be a good tech for getting production out of this srain.
thanks man id love to see any pics of these things. I think im going to psuedo mainline these, most of the pics i see are single cola dom plants, and thats just not my style. i thik nugbuckets is the only cat ive seen top his till they are 30 plus tops. seems to really be a good tech for getting production out of this srain.

Ya they are single cola dom for sure. They react really well to topping and training. Good hardy plant. I'll have to look for the pics. I'm not sure if I still go them, had a hdd crash awhile back and lost some stuff.
How much is to much compost tea man we veg of Course for a month I trasnplanted from dixie cup to 3 gallon wides ( month an 1 week in all) I mist plants early stage with compost tea...liquid kelp molasses in water when translpant I drench (compost tea) once more also another drench( compost tea) in 3 week in 3 gallons, my soil is prepared supersoil half an half no perlite just plain soil with small nutes when put in dixies than the 1/2 super (my super soil is pre mixed...adding perlite among other areators befor transplant) half middy soil for buffer switching to flower put into 24 darkness for a day than switch12/12 (I use a phosoporus tea wash week prior to switch) Still using mhs through stretch keeping a stouter plant (take cuttings 1-2 weeks into flower all from bottom create airflow for canopy) still feeding kelp plus molasses in my aerated water ..45 weeks into flower make a bacteria phosphorous- 1/4-1/2 amount nitrogen to ph tea than just let it go feeding just water for the last 8-12 days feelin it out switch to 24 darkness when ripe to let resin sap than..... happy pickin

Really sounds like you got it covered. Too much of anything can be bad, and really tea is mostly just inoculating the soil with microbes and some nutrients leached from the guano ect.
As for tea ph, Iv never even bothered to check it until the other day. Guano kelp tea came out to 8.3ish, Im not changing a thing yet, Iv always given it to them like this.

Likewise, I was chatting to my Uncle when I was back in Scotland and he told me he was out at a pub (which he normally is, lol) speaking to one of his mates (who works for the Government - lets just leave it at that). And for some reason the talk of weed came up and he said all innocently, "oh, my nephew grows weed", by which his friend instantly became very curious so he shut up. I was like "WTF Jimmy! ffs keep it on the down low eh!" Nothing like telling bloody MI6 what I am up too!

Well I had a very unhappy wife on my hands yesterday. Let me just say British Airways suck the big fat one. Text arrives 3 hours before her flight. You flight has been cancelled. So no way to get to her connecting flight in time. I phoned BA and they said, sorry, earliest we can get her on a flight is Sunday!!! I said, she's at her Grans funeral on Sunday so the whole reason for her going is basically fukked up. "Sorry, it's the weather, can't do anything!" he replies. What a bunch of unhelpfull fuckkin turds. So I got in touch with the agent she booked through, oh my god I nearly fell off my chair. A helpfull Dutch customer Service person. This dude went off and sorted her flights direct from the Dam to SA so no need to go to the UK, and shaved nearly 12 hours of her travel time as well. She left happily this morning and will be there to spread her Grannies ashes at the beach.

Me, I am off to get frikkin baked!

Peace, DST

Great news on getting the flight figured out. Some fooking people eh!!!
MI6, helicopters and all. I expect a big shootout.

That's why when growing vertical you need to tie your plants back to the walls, or even better through a screen. This will eliminate all the turning you need to do and provide better light distribution across the plant.

I think I plan on doing something you did in the past, those individual scrogs for each plant,,,, in my vert cab.

Looking good bud!

Beautiful dog! I wouldn't wanna meet him in a dark corner though lol, but none the less a very beautiful dog!

Sure hope your not talking about me lol

That would be fucking awesome! I would love to smoke with that guy ;)

I wish my damn beans would hurry up.

Your going to love those timewrecks bro! I'll see if I can find my pics of my grow of 2 of them and post them up.

I'm loving it already! I got a skunk coming down real soon and I'm thinking of making some hash or oil. Wanna try some BHO but haven't found a really good tutorial yet on it.

I love that movie!!! I just watched it with my girl the other night actually :D

Now thats a multiquote lol

Under 600 hps 3 blue cheese scrog week 5 tomo! Love my 600!!

Lord have marcy thats nice :-)

Howdy 6 ~ later 6 :peace:
Hi and by whodat. Have a good day. I'm getting ready to go outside as it's beautiful here today and I need to do some work on my outdoor plot :D
Heres something I don't see every day. Trichomes on my fan leaves!
theres gonna be a fucking crazy cheese burger liquor party at my house tonight. sound track:

Well I'm just trying to find a good tutorial on it. I always make hash and iso and edibles so this will be first time doing it so trying to not fuck it up lol.
YO GIGGLES... BHO gives me a headache everytime. no fail. even the finest of BHO supposedly. i think DST also said this once, deja vu or somethin.

EDIT: to each his own i suppose tho, otherwise no one would smoke it ever i geuss. it seriously hurts my damn head everytime. the more i try, the more it seems to hurt each time too. weird. other hashes never let me down, i had some full melt bubble that was great a few weeks ago. super smooth. i was impressed.