If its any consolation, my wife glanced at the computer screen just now & showed no interest.
No offense, but your avatar is a fence.
Not really stalk-able.

Hahah it's a starting gate for a mx track... Motocross is stalk-able, if your into that type of stuff. But thanks for your honestly maybe I can win your wife over some other way.. Nothing romantic I just want her to Comment on my new ikea purchases from the windows
Lol. I ride the bike. Though the last one is self taken.

Thanks a bunch sunni. :D Most of the time I'm pretty.........filthy.
Im trying to make it a point in my life to end up in more pictures, thank you to this thread for reminding me of that from time to time, I may be ugly, but my kids love me.... and the FIRE IS ME!! Im Burning Fire :) 318.jpg560.jpgeditedforRIU.jpg