8 tomato varieties, 6 peppers including ghosts, bush beans, cucumbers , carrots, onions, orange flesh watermelons, any kind of herb you could want. Plus I have all my perennial fruits. And also exotic fruits that come inside every year.
I've already started my basil, oregano and parsley.
Last year I put too much space and time into Roma's got hit with blight and ended up with 1 quart of sauce. Should have been enough to get me through all winter. Oh well live and learn.
Got some Romain I'm planting tomorrow
Cherry Tomatos
Roma's (not as much)
Peppers (variety tbd)
I'm still planning, I wish I had more room, but I do alright for an Urban Gardener with limited space. Anyone else see the price of Romain and Broccali? Holy Shit!
why not sunflowers instead lolanyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....
anyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....
thanks. I dont think Im gonna do sunflowers. If I grow, its vegetabloes or herbs you can eat.
thanks for the advice about tightly packing the corn. How would you space the seeds?
hmm you know what? I might actually try the sunflowers...do you get a lot of seeds from the flowers?
ah and thanks for the spacing method
you will get a ton of seeds as long as the squirrels stay away. one seed will give you a huge bag of seeds. my favorite is the mammoth grey stripe.
Great variety in this thread!
I'm doing beets, kale, lettuce, banana peppers, ghost peppers, lemon cucumbers, strawberries, carrots, cilantro, zucchini, yellow squash, all sorts of tomatoes, patty pan squash, sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, string beans, and whatever else I decide. I'm popping all the seeds into some soil under an LED this weekend; I like to give everything a good, healthy start. I also do hummingbird and butterfly "gardens" of mixed wild flowers in big pots all over the yards, which is always fun...
anyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....