What are you planting in your garden 2013

I like to select what tasted best to me while cooking the previous year. Right now some definite standouts are Delicata Squash and Watermelon Radish.
I've already started my basil, oregano and parsley.
Last year I put too much space and time into Roma's got hit with blight and ended up with 1 quart of sauce. Should have been enough to get me through all winter. Oh well live and learn.
Got some Romain I'm planting tomorrow
Cherry Tomatos
Roma's (not as much)
Peppers (variety tbd)

I'm still planning, I wish I had more room, but I do alright for an Urban Gardener with limited space. Anyone else see the price of Romain and Broccali? Holy Shit!
8 tomato varieties, 6 peppers including ghosts, bush beans, cucumbers , carrots, onions, orange flesh watermelons, any kind of herb you could want. Plus I have all my perennial fruits. And also exotic fruits that come inside every year.

Whoa Im geussing your gonna have a lot of tomatos. have you ever grown tomatos before? or are you a tomato connessuier? Cause even if you just have eight plants, will be a shit ton of tomatos....Btw Make sauce with them if you have too much. Thats what i do if I have a overabundance of tomatos.
I've already started my basil, oregano and parsley.
Last year I put too much space and time into Roma's got hit with blight and ended up with 1 quart of sauce. Should have been enough to get me through all winter. Oh well live and learn.
Got some Romain I'm planting tomorrow
Cherry Tomatos
Roma's (not as much)
Peppers (variety tbd)

I'm still planning, I wish I had more room, but I do alright for an Urban Gardener with limited space. Anyone else see the price of Romain and Broccali? Holy Shit!

may I make a suggestion? You should grow summer squash and winter squash. Summer produce fast and a lot, if you dont underwater or overwater(mold). winter squash also produces a alot. But it takes longer to harvest. BUT you can keep them for a long time without going bad.
anyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....
anyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....
why not sunflowers instead lol
anyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....

the tighter you pack the corn, the better it does.

and like sunni said, do sunflowers. if it's a chainlink fence, plant beans and peas right under it. they will trellis up the fence on their own and give you a solid wall of green by august.
thanks. I dont think Im gonna do sunflowers. If I grow, its vegetabloes or herbs you can eat.

harvest the heads when the back of the head goes from green to yellow, let it dry in the sun a few days, remove the seeds.

boil the seeds in salt water until most of the water evaporates, then spread them on a baking sheet, season them to your liking, roast in the oven and boom! best sunflower seeds you ever had.

thanks for the advice about tightly packing the corn. How would you space the seeds?

i plant it in a way that would make death metal proud. here's how i space mine:

hmm you know what? I might actually try the sunflowers...do you get a lot of seeds from the flowers?
ah and thanks for the spacing method
hmm you know what? I might actually try the sunflowers...do you get a lot of seeds from the flowers?
ah and thanks for the spacing method

you will get a ton of seeds as long as the squirrels stay away. one seed will give you a huge bag of seeds. my favorite is the mammoth grey stripe.
sunflowers grow so tall, so it would be perfect for the concealment they'll add beauty, seeds, pollination, and help out the insects around aswell. Never grown them myself but someone down the street from me did and i always liked walking by them
you will get a ton of seeds as long as the squirrels stay away. one seed will give you a huge bag of seeds. my favorite is the mammoth grey stripe.

lol i dont think squirrels will be a proble...My dogs LOVE chasing squirrels. Plus they hardly ever come in the yard(im guessing they smell their poop and pee and hair)
Well that it's, I'm throwing down some sunflowers as well. I think I'm going to guerilla a few around the neighbor hood and see how long they go.

going through my seeds I came across red sun sunflowers, I don't know their viability because the package date says 2008. Guess I'll find out soon enough, doesn't hurt to try.
Great variety in this thread!

I'm doing beets, kale, lettuce, banana peppers, ghost peppers, lemon cucumbers, strawberries, carrots, cilantro, zucchini, yellow squash, all sorts of tomatoes, patty pan squash, sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, string beans, and whatever else I decide. I'm popping all the seeds into some soil under an LED this weekend; I like to give everything a good, healthy start. I also do hummingbird and butterfly "gardens" of mixed wild flowers in big pots all over the yards, which is always fun...
Great variety in this thread!

I'm doing beets, kale, lettuce, banana peppers, ghost peppers, lemon cucumbers, strawberries, carrots, cilantro, zucchini, yellow squash, all sorts of tomatoes, patty pan squash, sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, string beans, and whatever else I decide. I'm popping all the seeds into some soil under an LED this weekend; I like to give everything a good, healthy start. I also do hummingbird and butterfly "gardens" of mixed wild flowers in big pots all over the yards, which is always fun...

as a vegan i still hate kale. i keep trying it and still always hate it
anyone plant corn and had good luck? Is it worth it? I dont like my neighbor too much and I think corn would be a nice blocker(more privacy) when Im in the garden. But im not gonna grow it if it isnt worth it....

Hello bro! Hell yeah I grow corn!! ;) I had over 5 different types this past year!! And needless to say, "YEAH BOY" it was worth it!! The stalks got atleast 7 to 8ft tall, some was on the shorter side, but still produced. And we are still eating corn!! We also took A LOT to the "farmers market" and made quite a bit of $ with it & other veggies. So the garden ended up paying 4 itself, & is still feeding us & our neighbors!! Hell, it even paid for this coming up garden this year!! ;) we also planted atleast 8 types of tomatoes aswell!! Don't plant to do that many this year. I really don't think anyones tomatoes did all that good from what all I've herd from other growers! Almost everyone of mine had blight!! ;( sure hope they do better this year!! I also planted watermelons & cantalopes, along with a lot of other veggies!! The watermelon & cantalopes didn't do good at all!! Got about the size of a small basketball!! Idk why. I guess I need to add more (N) in the soil!?? Everything else did great!! Our beans produced up until late Oct. Everyone round here didn't believe we still had beans at the market, lol! ;)
This year I will be planting all kinds of corn, 8 types. Tomatoes 4 types, squash, leaf lettuce, stalk onions (red) &(white), watermelon,cantalope,sunflower,grapes,cucumbers 2 type, garlic,sweet potato,regular potato,string beans 5 types,carrots,bell peppers,ghost pepper,banana pepper, a lot more peppers, sweet peas,snap peas,kale,mustard greens, and a lot of other stuff too!! ;) plan on making the garden bigger this year also!!