Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
Hey guys/gals, I am looking to cross the uk clone only psychosis with BB dog kush. My dog is the compact tight node space pheno. Anyway the dog has just started to show some male pods, sooo should i let these pods grow then harvest this pollen to use on the psychosis. With the resulting pips grow them out and and try and find a keeper that shows a good mix of dog x psychosis. Do i then once i've found my keeper try and use cs to self it. Would the resulting pips of this cross this produce fem'd dog x psycho ?. Or am i going at it all wrong? Part of me is thinking just forget using cs to try and get fems and just work with regs of the psycho x dog?. If you have a better/easier way of me reaching my goal, please i'm very eager to hear. This will be my first breeding try-out as if you can't already tell by my shocking explanation of what i want to do lmao. Thanks for reading and trying to understand my post. Peace.CG
EDIT: After reading around, am i correct in thinking that i'd be better cloning the dog and forcing that to herm(if it doesn't naturally) and using that pollen? I ask that because after reading things i think that if i use pollen from the dog as is, this will make most of my beans have the herm trait where as if i force a clone to herm this will produce 99% female seEds and would save a lot of time finding a keeper showing a good mix of parents and that doesn't produce nut sack's?

mr west

Well-Known Member
the pollen from the dog will be fem pollen and will give you mainly fem seeds. The psychosis is a clone only so it is fem only and ordinarily wont hermie. So I think the dog pollen is the opnly way to go with out cs spray and or with.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys i got both pheno's of dog in week 2 of flower. Only 1 hermie and ive allowed it to live for now.....he he he...can i keep that pollen? If i were gonna look for a female to pollenate do i just use my own best pheno traits i like for a potential mate to the pollen? I am really happy with meh dogs, may have to grab more to stash away for 2014.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Mr west, I was always only gonna use pollen fro the dog as i'm planning on pollinating the psycho, i didn't want to try and reverse it as i was told that clone only's are hard to get to herm. I hope this goes well for me as i think this will be a killer cross.


Well-Known Member
Engineers Dream. Similar flower structure to most of them, but slightly different looks about architecture and leaf shape.

This one has some right funny looking leaves. Bit more spindly, and not so strong side branching. Allthough I think it would be better if given some veg time (all are 12/12 from seed).

Slightly fatter flowers with a little bit stronger side branching, looks like it will be a better yielder than the first one. Leaves on this are not so deformed like the other one.

3rd one, hardly any side branching, chubbier leaves on it. Also very dark like the others.

One of the Blue Pits (the one I take out the most as it';s right at the door. The rest are a ballaches to get out due to being tied up. Getting some nice hues in the flowers. Straight from 12/12.

Sour Kush x Deep Blue. There will be more from this strain, first I need to cross it with the Kush2 male.

I have another pheno not pictured here that is similar in it's squatness, but doesn't have the side branching. However the main branch is going purple so it may be a winner as well. I'll get pics of it at some point. In the interim here's the other one I love. The side branching on this practically makes it like it has several main tops, and it has not been topped at all. Straight 12/12 again.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Aye, it fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Frost all over it though.


Well-Known Member
tell me about it. I was getting paranoid that I had fucked up my lights timers again and had them coming on for a few hours in the middle of the night like the last nightmare!! lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys i got both pheno's of dog in week 2 of flower. Only 1 hermie and ive allowed it to live for now.....he he he...can i keep that pollen? If i were gonna look for a female to pollenate do i just use my own best pheno traits i like for a potential mate to the pollen? I am really happy with meh dogs, may have to grab more to stash away for 2014.
okay! now u guys are confusing me. ive always pitched out plants that show hermie within the first few weeks of 12/12. IME when they hermie that early you get a banana tree.
but you guys will still try letting them go eh? ugh. my damn blackberry grape ape is already throwing out a couple nanners at day 15 12/12. i have it sitting near me right now, ready to rip it out :(

the damn thing smells like heaven tho, and has other desireable traits. god i wish i could have u guys smell the damn thing.

Ive never had a hermie outside either... even with all sorts of different random ass bagseeds that were most likely hermie seeds. whats up with that??

EDIT: those engineers dream plants are crazy lookin... that first one seems to have skinny genes! get it skinny genes ... wow im cheesy. nice share tho DST


Well-Known Member
Dst some times strains go off like that with 12/12 fs seen it over at the thread it's like some plants just don't like it an spaz out early on.....they still seem to do good at the end tho....


Well-Known Member
lol no way west. you got lots of spazz and ive seen it!! j/k :)

yeah i noticed that some times ya'lls dog will still be a keeper even tho it had one or two nanners early.

i mean i dont pitch out plants just cuz they show nanners, but at day 15? one of them was a big fat preflower ball too. im not sure what to do.
i swear the thing smells like a fruity hard candy mixed with a soury-kushy and somewhat skunky smell. so strong too... its stinkin out the room between it and the other pheno.

i geuss ill still try it for a little bit. ideally id love to make reg seeds out of it. would those carry hermie genes regardless of being regs?

EDIT: like for example the dog bx1 still had hermie tendancies, no? i doubt it goes completely away but im sure it helps stabilize it each time you selectively try to breed around the hermie trait.


Well-Known Member
lots of backcrossing required basically skunkyyum. And if it was me I would keep that lady you got. But that's just me.