LST... Is This Ok..?


Well-Known Member
Hey all just a quick question...

I was wondering if this is ok as a start of my LST'ing.. The plant is about 3 weeks from seed.

I trimmed the larger fan leaves shading the side growth to alow the light in.. Is this also ok?


Thanks in advance for responses.

Marty B :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yes thats spot on m8, have u lst before? i love it once i tried it. here is my 4 big bud 28 days into flower which im in there tieing branches down nearly everyday untill about the 2nd week flower amazing what a little lst can do!!!!



Well-Known Member
Iv done mine way earlier than this too, worked out fine
Obviously, one can LST at any point. The question is, to what end? Generally speaking, LST'ing this early adds time to veg and it adds time to sexing, if applicable. That time may be well-spent, if, say, one is training for a SCROG in a very small space. A larger garden, not so much. Lots of "depends" here.



Well-Known Member
Well basically I'm doing this grow in a wardrobe... I'm 100% sure this is not to early at all for LST but good timing for my personal aims. This is also a cfl grow so this lsting will benefit massivley

I also aim to veg for around another 5-6 weeks whilst training the stem into a circle around the pot rim, hopefully then having many top heads.

Thanks for the positive comments I'm glad its been done right.



New Member
Plants are good to LST like you mention bro BUT! There is a but lol!

Make SURE you tie the base of the stem in the opposite direction of the way that you pulled it over...
That way you don't damage any roots or even worse, pull the plant outta the ground accidentally!
I LST mine at 3w and you can see where it too me! I've prolly got 60 tops between 3 plants easy!
But I'm learning bro, that more tops aren't always better......

Check out mainlining, and Uncle bens topping!
They're a couple techniques you can use to get a few dominant tops, rather than lots of secondary tops! :joint: