Active Member
I wasn't nominated a hometown hero by those in my local community through channel 13 news for a fake street ministry sorry, ALSO IN THE LINK PROVIDED
r k
Mary Thomas-Spears
u made your own bed here mary...i told u i was writing a book and u apparently thought it was a debate or a game or whatever but u should have never posted there if u had any respect or understanding...instead u destroyed all the scientific viability as well as my credibility with 1 post that wasnt even true, not even all the SHDT's posts put together could have done such...thanks...do what u will mary because i think at this point u are far to incoherent to understand what u did or what im writing to u now about such.
as for myself. At this point, I think this conversation, is proof, no one is in control of anything PERIOD!!!
Mad crazy hackle laugh!!!!!!!!!!
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I do know what things characterizes a real man and it's not dragging out a pissing contest with a female.
I find it amusing that they claim I came to your defense because you're a woman; your gender was not disclosed until way after I chimed in.