2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread

Looking good guys. I see some really nice plants. Great job so far. Some of the comments are classic, I was dying reading through them.
I wish I could give this one 2 likes

^^^Actually those are the bootleg Kessils I read about that have been going around Hong Kong. You can also tell it's a bootleg by looking how the e + s in "KESSIL" isn't separate lettering. I've heard some horrible stories about fires and the light going all "Spectracidal" on poor little Asian plants. It's best you turn those off before something senseless and tragic happens. You'll thank me someday SgtJ!
Hell, not sure who or what to believe from y'all anymore..
Bleach, and all other stuff... Shit..

Might have to break out the Solar Storm on your asses, then it will be on...

Now i have to go and research this shit, just to be safe..
Day 27 (from germ)...

My flower tent is getting crowded, so the party cup is now sitting on another plant. (No roots go outside the cup.)

SLH Day 27.jpggetting crowded.jpg

Looking pretty healthy and now showing sex, but I don't think you can see it in the photos yet.

top view.jpg

I'm thinking of using Blumat waterer in the party cup while I'm on vacation. Testing it now. It takes an awful lot of the space I'd want for the root ball, but I don't have a lot of time or choices.

OK, so I am totally slacking here, I have been working 3 jobs with barely any time in between each to care for my garden, all of my plants in my veg room were limp this morning, my plants in my flower room were on their way to the same issue including my poor little COMP cup. Today was rehab day for me, otherwise they all will be in intensive care a couple days from now.

So, I finally got around to feeding a real feeding to my little beauty today, she is officially 25 days old and she still looks sexy with all the neglect. Well, I don't have much else to say, but if I don't stop neglecting my babies, they are going to hate me when they grow up. Check my pics you pricks! Happy growing all!

Hey folks, the two cupped are doing well, temps are a bit better. But due to my other plants turning out to be males (4 out of 4!), I am abandoning the party cup; I'll put everything I have in bigger containers and make the most out of it! It's a shame I was enjoying it! Well see you for the next one! Good luck to all of you

Update: Day #49
Doing better after adding the magenta H350 Kessil.
Showing signs of flowering, having to water almost every other day due to dry weather..
Has been growing about 1/2 inch a day lately.

Hey all! nothing special from my plants yet, topped the cyber crystal for the heck of it :-P by the looks of my freebie genetics and some of the strains mentioned here, i dont think im gonna come out on top.

Happy Growing!:leaf:


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Update 7

Hey gang, family crisis has cut into my cup time, but for those who ever wondered what that "karma" shit is, here's the real world definition.
Karma- When your 84 year old mother, who has been out of communication for 3 days because she decided to hang out with her girlfriends somewhere in God's country 4 states over, says to you on the phone, with no hint of irony I might add, "...maybe I should leave you a note like all the times you did" and hangs up on your ass.

This goes out to that seedless wonder PSUAGRO, my friend Jubiare, (Sorry Bro :(!), the person who figured out how to get Blue Cheese to actually smell like blue cheese and all the other growers/cuppers out there who only need 1 cup to grow ;).