This year I will be planting all kinds of corn, 8 types. Tomatoes 4 types, squash, leaf lettuce, stalk onions (red) &(white), watermelon,cantalope,sunflower,grapes,cucumbers 2 type, garlic,sweet potato,regular potato,string beans 5 types,carrots,bell peppers,ghost pepper,banana pepper, a lot more peppers, sweet peas,snap peas,kale,mustard greens, and a lot of other stuff too!!plan on making the garden bigger this year also!!
What am i NOT planting? Where to start...
Peppers, various hot and sweet
Tomatoes, various
Cucumbers, various
Kale, various
Rainbow Chard
Garlic, various
Onions, various
Beets, various
Radishes, various
Beans, various pole varieties
Hops, various
Carrots, various
Basil, various
Blueberries, various
Raspberries, various
Squash, various
Zucchini, various
Melons, various (maybe just cantaloupe, my favorite)
Lettuce, many varieties
Probably more that i forgot. Plus many houseplants. PLANTS ARE LIFE!
hhaha yes indoorindoors obviously yes? Im starting my peppers now/
hexnut, I have 2 strawberry plants outside. they didnt yeild much last year(first year). Can I feed them hydroponic nutrients and not worry about it being bad for me/making me sick?
hexnut, I have 2 strawberry plants outside. they didnt yeild much last year(first year). Can I feed them hydroponic nutrients and not worry about it being bad for me/making me sick?
hexnut, I have 2 strawberry plants outside. they didnt yeild much last year(first year). Can I feed them hydroponic nutrients and not worry about it being bad for me/making me sick?
holy crap. you gonna feed the whole neighborhood? lol
Haha!!No bro. Just us, & a few neighbors, & we have been canning a lot!! This will be just my 3rd actuall garden!
And we also try n grow enough to sale & make some extra $. To pay for itself! Renting the tiller,watering at first,nutrients,etc'!! It really does help! Shit bro, we still have corn & beans in the freezer, & also a ton of canned veggies!! Trying to prepare for the apocalypse!!j/k. But it wouldn't hurt to keep back a few canned jars of "whatever" just incase somthing like that ever did happen we would be prepared..
nice i can my stuff too i got a few gardens 25x25, 20x10, 15x15 and a 10x6 i slowly had to turn my whole backyard into gardens