Weeks till Gender shows?


Well-Known Member
I have 5 from seed plants in party cups germinated and planted on about the 27th of December.
They are all currently on their 7th sets of fan leaves and the 8th set are fully formed, and the 9th are forming.

I switched the lights to 12/12 on the 22nd, or 21st
So only 2 or 3 days ago

By the way, they are under 1000 watt MH at 8 inches

cooltube of course

I know it can take multiple weeks for less mature plants to show sex, but considering these are already a month old do you think I could start seeing pistils/Pollen sacks within a week or 2?


New Member
You need to transplant those IMMEDIATELY ... they need atleast one gallon of dirt right now.. they are severely rootbound and will die unless you transplant them to bigger pots.. you want about 1 gallon of dirt for every 1ft of vertical growth.. good luck and google "heat stress" because your leaves are cupping and thats not a good thing.

Put the light back on 24/7 or 18/6 because they need to veg more especially after you transplant.. if you keep on 12/12 right now you wont get shit for weed..and buy some fluoro lights because the amount of electricity your using to grow them, you could buy a $300 ounce of killer weed.. 1000w is ridiculous for those little things.. I have a 1000w hps and cant imagine using it on plants that small. But they look pretty good besides that..


Well-Known Member
yea, I have had heat stress on 2 different plants. But if I am not mistaken, I have seen entire grows done in cups? just requires daily watering,

The only problem that can arise from root bound is root rot if you do not allow your soil to dry out fully between watering I believe.

Don't get me wrong though, I am sure they would absolutely love more soil to stretch there roots into, but I was wanting to wait a week or so long so that when I move them up to there 2 gal smart pots they wont have to stay in those for more then 5 weeks.

I have already had two different plants fully droop from lack of water within the last 2 days, and that is why the leaves on the one plant have brown spots as I did not catch it right away so there was some foliage death.
I just did some reading at it seems as though high temps can be beneficial as long as your plants can take it, I'll put a thermometer in the tent to see where the steps are at, if its in the 90's I may have to open up some of the floor vents on the tent, I just hate how they suck in dust.

I currently am just running a negative pressure on the whole tent so air finds its way in, would likely stay cooler with better airflow.


Well-Known Member
I am doing SOG, so as far as yeilds on 5 plants that size I would not even be looking for more then half an ounce. Id be thrilled to get more then that off each. And as dar as transplanting on 12/12...... you think that would hurt the growth speed that substantially that I would need to veg longer? I am currently taking clones as well, so when I move them to the flower tent I would prefer that I don't have super uneven heights. I'd like the canopy to have no larger then 20" gap in tallest and shortest plants


Active Member
You can get half ounce per plant with a 250 with 5 plants, so hes a little more than skeptical, 1000w yields 4oz plus per plant obviously with a reasonable vegging. And you have no heat stress what so ever, if you did google you will already no this. Rootbound explains the wilting.


Well-Known Member
Aha, thank you for that. I thought the heat stress was not a very accurate statement. However I do believe the root bound is causing the cupping because the transplants are reaching for the light once more.


Well-Known Member
WP_000948.jpgWP_000949.jpgstill going strong in the party cups, transplanted the less healthy ones to 2 gals.
also removed lower branching to focus growth to canopy


Well-Known Member
what should be 3 ft...? at 4 weeks from seed, that would be fairly impressive indeed... And I transplanted two others into 2 gal smart pots... the party cup plant os still growing faster

And you are saying that it would be less then 90% water if it were in a larger container...? not sure the makes sense...


Well-Known Member
what should be 3 ft...? at 4 weeks from seed, that would be fairly impressive indeed... And I transplanted two others into 2 gal smart pots... the party cup plant os still growing faster

And you are saying that it would be less then 90% water if it were in a larger container...? not sure the makes sense...
I`d like to explain a bit for you but I gotta type fast and keep this short cuz this F`n site loggs me off after a few minutes of typeing in the box that you have to be looged into to post to start with.

Green stems: Lots of water and fiber but little building solids available to the plant.

Small container : Your plant is in jail !!

Yes, after a sappling seats it`self they take off like a rocket, IF ALLOWED,...yours are not !!

There`s that auto saved, /...this may not post / it will say I`m logged off when you need to be loggged in to post !!

Why I may not post anymore !!

I`ll explain better for you when the frustration of this posting shit goes by !! You mean well, your plant commited no crime, let it out of jail.

I don`t know if you are resztricted in space so maybe your doing whatr you can with what you have !!


Well-Known Member
If I give you twenty bricks,...I don`t expect you to build a large wall,....If I leave you in the brickyard,...take it from there !!


Well-Known Member
what should be 3 ft...? at 4 weeks from seed, that would be fairly impressive indeed... And I transplanted two others into 2 gal smart pots... the party cup plant os still growing faster

And you are saying that it would be less then 90% water if it were in a larger container...? not sure the makes sense...

The transplanted one`s are moveing solids too, it will grow a bit slower but much healthier,..the one`s in the cup are moveing water and makeing fibers, growing faster but weaker in many ways !!


Well-Known Member
I am working with limited space, and doing a perpetual requires me to use small containers.
I plan on upgrading to 2 liter bottles,
However I like your analogy's.

But are the nutrients we feed our plants not what they use to construct themselves? I nute them daily,
and I transplanted before the rootbound took hold but I still
am mot seeing substantial growth. But I understand what you are advising me for.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the nutrients do that but also are vehicles to host solids as well, and if they can`t pick up any,..they get nute burned or worse. Think of a train,..with two cars it will grow, with ten cars it grows faster unless 8 of those cars are empty !!