i've been watching a lot of guys talk shit about FDD rolling over on people or doing this and that. although none of it has EVER been backed up with any proof. just the same old internet gossip tree. i don't know FDD and i've never even heard the full or real story about what happened. i've heard anywhere from 2 pounds to 250 pounds. to be honest; i could care less. there seem to be some people on this thread just intent on trying to stir up some shit. fact of the matter is that it's very easy to say that you would be "man" and do your time like a "man" and that you are all "gangsta" and whatever from the comfort of your home or parent's basement while sipping on your mountain dew with a domino's pizza. it's real easy to pretend to be a toughguy when you really don't have to be one.
there are two simple facts i'd like to point out. first off...NO ONE has shown a SINGLE piece of evidence (not opinion or your "logical" assumptions) that FDD rolled on anyone. Secondly, if faced with the possibility of doing a much longer stint or given the chance to get back to your wife and children who you love very much and who need you; 99.9% of you would fucking roll in heart beat. if i had children and a wife that i loved and loved me like FDD does; i'd roll on your ass in a NY minute to get my sentence reduced and get back to them as quickly as i can.
if you wanna talk shit then go start your own thread. if you think you are a real "toughguy" then send me a PM and we'll go a few rounds in the cage. find out what your really made of. or, you can keep hiding behind that computer screen of yours talking shit.