I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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There was one sentence, about 6 words long that indicated that. No source, only what the writer said he was told. I saw nothing else. I've heard nothing else. If I was one of the members that got popped with him I would have jumped all over this thread or had someone else do it for me. I haven't seen that happen either.

The other member he got "popped" with has been on the forums since then as well.... Never said shit to anyone about fdd rolling.
id edit that post scoob.. that was a fucked up statement sayin youll snitch on anyone that says where your loyalties lie.. lookin out for #1 is all cool and shit but that means havin eyes in the back of your head and seein the next thing comin before the next dude, not pass the buck so i can get free... wow im glad we dont roll in the same cirlces... as for the ring ill fight a snitch any day call me when u get to cali. holla at me in the streets

hope things are well for FDD even if he is brash manipulative, passive agressive and plays too many word games.. its just the internet afterall never met him in the flesh
Alaskans just kill you if there is a question of loyalty.

and New Yorkers just dump you in the East River.

So for the actions you've taken to get yourself and family in trouble, you pass the burden onto others to better yourself?

Big man you are.

Have to ask FDD if he agrees with that one.

If he didn't rat on anyone, I bet he has a different opinion than you.

exactly what i said...you got a problem with it then go start a thread about it. cause i guarantee your one of the 99.9% and not the 0.01%. and if you wanna question if i'm a big man or not...well...it's real easy to hide behind a keyboard and talk shit.
i've been watching a lot of guys talk shit about FDD rolling over on people or doing this and that. although none of it has EVER been backed up with any proof. just the same old internet gossip tree. i don't know FDD and i've never even heard the full or real story about what happened. i've heard anywhere from 2 pounds to 250 pounds. to be honest; i could care less. there seem to be some people on this thread just intent on trying to stir up some shit. fact of the matter is that it's very easy to say that you would be "man" and do your time like a "man" and that you are all "gangsta" and whatever from the comfort of your home or parent's basement while sipping on your mountain dew with a domino's pizza. it's real easy to pretend to be a toughguy when you really don't have to be one.

there are two simple facts i'd like to point out. first off...NO ONE has shown a SINGLE piece of evidence (not opinion or your "logical" assumptions) that FDD rolled on anyone. Secondly, if faced with the possibility of doing a much longer stint or given the chance to get back to your wife and children who you love very much and who need you; 99.9% of you would fucking roll in heart beat. if i had children and a wife that i loved and loved me like FDD does; i'd roll on your ass in a NY minute to get my sentence reduced and get back to them as quickly as i can.

if you wanna talk shit then go start your own thread. if you think you are a real "toughguy" then send me a PM and we'll go a few rounds in the cage. find out what your really made of. or, you can keep hiding behind that computer screen of yours talking shit.

i lost any shred of respect i had for you with this statement

this is comin from a person with a felony for herb too.. felon's know snitching is bad business. word gets around and then you end up with a sharpened toothbrush stuck in you ribs
Alaskans just kill you if there is a question of loyalty.

id edit that post scoob.. that was a fucked up statement sayin youll snitch on anyone that says where your loyalties lie.. lookin out for #1 is all cool and shit but that means havin eyes in the back of your head and seein the next thing comin before the next dude, not pass the buck so i can get free... wow im glad we dont roll in the same cirlces... as for the ring ill fight a snitch any day call me when u get to cali. holla at me in the streets

hope things are well for FDD even if he is brash manipulative, passive agressive and plays too many word games.. its just the internet afterall never met him in the flesh

you wouldn't last 2 minutes in cage with me kiddo! that's not a lie. i don't regret anything i said cause none of you are in FDD's situation or in a situation similar. if someone tells you do 10 years or do 1 you would all snitch and i don't care what you wanna be "gangsters" say. real easy to talk tough. lot harder to be tough.
and New Yorkers just dump you in the East River.

exactly what i said...you got a problem with it then go start a thread about it. cause i guarantee your one of the 99.9% and not the 0.01%. and if you wanna question if i'm a big man or not...well...it's real easy to hide behind a keyboard and talk shit.

Lol oh the irony...because your next post isn't totally doing that exact same thing! Hahahaha
you wouldn't last 2 minutes in cage with me kiddo! that's not a lie. i don't regret anything i said cause none of you are in FDD's situation or in a situation similar. if someone tells you do 10 years or do 1 you would all snitch and i don't care what you wanna be "gangsters" say. real easy to talk tough. lot harder to be tough.

Do you see the irony? :) as you talk shit from behind the keyboard :eyesmoke:
you wouldn't last 2 minutes in cage with me kiddo! that's not a lie. i don't regret anything i said cause none of you are in FDD's situation or in a situation similar. if someone tells you do 10 years or do 1 you would all snitch and i don't care what you wanna be "gangsters" say. real easy to talk tough. lot harder to be tough.

been ther did my year in wasco sucker

could care less bro. not trying to be your friend; i've got enough. not trying to earn your respect; means shit to me. i don't even know you.
at least your and honest punk ass lil snitch


like hes doin exactly
what good does it do to argue about this?

Of course the day he leaves... SWITCH, your all talking shit and arguing over things. hahaha.

should have put it to him while he was here, instead of waiting like a coward till he left. I know enough, from real life experiences regarding this situation, to know Im safe :).

... somebody said.... if you were in his situation.... I dont do things that get me in his situation. Thats just Dumb. This is nothing more than a story of arrogance and greed that happened behind a smokescreen of rumor and drama, for all of you to play out in your own minds however you like. your speculations are my days entertainment.
been ther did my year in wasco sucker

at least your and honest punk ass lil snitch

like hes doin exactly

i gave $5k to FDD. come to NY or Costa Rica and get in the cage with me. If you ain't tapped out in 2 minutes the $10k on the table is yours. step up or shut the fuck up!
So because scooby would snitch, 99% of is would too? Damn that is some flawed logic right there. And the numerous assumptions made with lack of anything other than a guess...oh man.
i gave $5k to FDD. come to NY or Costa Rica and get in the cage with me. If you ain't tapped out in 2 minutes the $10k on the table is yours. step up or shut the fuck up!

i gave $5k to FDD. come to NY or Costa Rica and get in the cage with me. If you ain't tapped out in 2 minutes the $10k on the table is yours. step up or shut the fuck up!

thats what stings me....

All these people giving this guy money.... when his own greed brought him down. And others struggle not because of their own greed.

His wife cant work? for real.... thats Just FUCKED UP.

I was recently the victim of VIOLENT crime where I am literally losing everything. This guy fucked up on his own, lets throw money at him. I got fucked over, and you guys dont care because it doesnt matter, right? Its fine that I suffer through this when I didnt do anything.... right?

so you were generous?? that makes it ok to be a snitch???

come to NY LMAO ur the rich one jetsettin all over the world bro come to beautiful santa barbara.. check my avitar for the location snitch take some $$ out the 10k your throwin all over the place punk
so you were generous?? that makes it ok to be a snitch???

come to NY LMAO ur the rich one jetsettin all over the world bro come to beautiful santa barbara.. check my avitar for the location snitch take some $$ out the 10k your throwin all over the place punk

i'm putting up the cash. make it worth my time and i'll come tap you out in 2 minutes.
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