problem..What growing experts can say?


Active Member
  • expert seeds white widow
  • almost a month in veg from seed
  • 2xHome made Bublebucket
  • 1xwaterfarm
  • 24/7 light
  • 2x36w CFL cool white
  • 2x100w cfl 2700k
  • rockwool clay peblles
  • Ionic + Canna nuts
  • intake fan and desk fan
  • temperature is 71-75F
  • Humidity 48-55%
  • i dont have PH ore TDS meters (on theyr way to me bought couple from ebay)
so i used a still water from shop.i had brown leaves even before i used a nutrients.and i used just a couple of drops ...and i mean a couple of drops..i was reading about not to overfeed them so damn i dont know whats the problem ...i guess its a PH related problem or stuned seem that buds are forming nicely but problem is in fan leaves...any comment would help me a lot!heard lots of good things about RUI community i will appreciate your help! Dont judge to hard first time grower!


seems like a ph matter, seems low to me. Id go to a local pet/fish store and get some ph up solution. Never hurts to get the ph lower solution too obviously lol. Goodluck mate.


Active Member
seems like a ph matter, seems low to me. Id go to a local pet/fish store and get some ph up solution. Never hurts to get the ph lower solution too obviously lol. Goodluck mate.
hi m8 thanks for the reply.i do have PH up PH down but didnt want to use them without the PH meter. oh that damn tester should be here any day now...


hey hoooop so u would agree dat this is PH related problem?
Yes i would say so! In hydroponics the ph is the most important aspect. Because the right ph of the water makes nutrients available to the roots whereas the wrong ph locks out nutrients. Roots cannot use the nutrients which causes salt buildup and this leads to several other problems. So get your ph fixed!